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Parts and Accesories Catalog February 1961 |

Secrl Air suspension leveling volvo Seal Hood panel 8 010 Saul Transmission main volvo 4 216 junction 4 7 4822 Seal Hot wcrter heater 8 845 Soul Trcmsmissiori manual valve Soul Air suspension pressure 74465 Seal Instrument c se 9 749 lever shaft oil 4 218 Seal Axle geczrshiit power unit mtg 5 635 Soul Main cylinder push zrod 4 658 Seal Transmission oil 4 128 Seo Axle shui oil 53 8213 l Seal Main cylinder se cc 1no c rrypi skon 4 854 Seal Transmission oil filler O ring 4 133 Seal B ck up lamp ill 697 J Seal Oil level 1 158 Secxl Transmission overdrive oil 4 460 Soul Body side door reor 145 227 Soul Oil pcm 1 429 Seal Transmission parking lock 4 220 Seo Broke ccrble 4 834 I Seal Oil supply pump sucllion 4 197 Seal Transmission rocxr brg oil 4 318 Seal Broke mcrin cyl head 1l 65II Seal O ring evcrvporalor gorge Seal Transmission throttle valve Soul Bumper 7 833 connector 9 198 lever 4 278 Soul Cor heater qnd Seal Pcxrkinq brakes lever 4 612 Seal Universal joint ball coll r 5 555 5 572 evaporator 8 856 9 208 9 218 El 795 Seal Parking lamp fender 2 599 Seq Univgygq join yoke tyunnign Seal Carburetor governor I l 87 l Soul Pinion flange oil 5 469 bearing 5 560 Seal Clutch und broke pedal 41 829 Soul Pitman crm 6 86 Seal Vacuum power brcrke check 4 955 Seal Compressor shalt oil E 17E SM1 PiU shuft 6 855 Seal Vacuum brake cylinder 4 652 Seq Cgmpyggsgy Suction and Seal Propeller shaft brg dust 5 438 Soul Vacuum broke hyd cyl 4 910 discharge r 5 g2 Slocxl Propeller shaft oil 5 469 Seal Vacuum brake hyd cylinder gem Ccnnectmq md bu Stud ggg Seal Propeller shoit U join trur1nz1i 1i 5 560 push rod guide 4 926 Seal Cooking pump 2g Seal Radiator cmd grille ilillor 1 287 Socrl Vacuum power broke cyl 4 922 4 931 Seal Cowl side inner panel llEi 55l 5e 1 R dl l 1 CON 1 270 Seq Vgcuum power brake cylinder sE 1 Cowl vent grille ninamv SM1 R di r f r tt 1 277 push rod i 4 91a Soul Crcmkccse iron enc cover 0 1213 Se l R di Y SUPPWU 1 274 Seal Vacuum power brake cyl relay 4 944 Seal Crankshaft bearing oil 0 137 seul Rem b mPe Y 7 833 Seal Vacuum power brake push r0d 4 658 Seal Distributor governor IEZ 365 Se 1 Rem COmPl lid MJB2 Soul Vacuum power brake reaction 4 910 sem Distributor mainshoft 2 3 ls l Sw R r Sprinq SM rr4 5404 sem Vucuum shift check 5 845 sem Door glass lower sash channell Cl 59G SM1 Recrr wheel hub i1 r r 5 822 swr vrmum Shin diaphragm 5 625 Seal Door inside trim 1ii l65 S crl Hefrigercxnt coupling 9 l96 SGGL Valve Push md COVE 454 Seal Door ventilator latch lZZl 659 Se 1 RefYl9eY m 1i 9282 Seal Valve spring cup 0 308 Seal Door vent reg spindle Se l Servo C VeY r 4212 Seal Wheel cmd tiro compt 7 629 wqrsher 10 517 l I 365 SM1 Side wi1 d wS i 17 136 sem whe 1 carrier door chock 7 629 Sgqll Evqpommy w j 1 Seal Speedometor driven quor 4 338 SEQ Wheel Cover pm 9 3 177 Seal Evuporcrtor odczpter to dash fEl i1U8 I S l SWIG 117 Seal Wheel disc to rim 5 871 Seal Evaporqtor air return EI 269 2 l i G1 iHq C0ll1Y 11 6 760 Seq Windshield wiper motor 10 152 16 065 Seal Evcrporcxtor blower motor 9 216 S l Si finq 0 d G 56U 6386 Seal qssy Door window glass run lO 70l Seal Evcxporcrtor core housing 9 211 S fll Si flflq QGGY 6 5 52 6 758 6 808 Seq qgsy Front wheel bearing 6 326 Seal Evcporcrtor front grille 9 260 Soul Steering gear l7LYlZl1 GI 1lll Z CYll Jf LlE l 8 584 Seal ssY pitmcm shun 5355 Soul Fluid coupling l ll8 SHG Sl finq 9 hYd1 lliC I7UmIZ Sgql qgsy Steering knuckle cont arm 6 lGG Seal Folding top motor cmd dYiV 9 h lt LSU Seal ussy Steering shaft U joint 6 525 pump 14482 14 486 Se l Sleefmq q r hYdY U llC P U mF Seal cxssy Trans rear bearing oil 4 318 Seal Four wheel drive trans YQSGYVOU 6535 Seal kit Air cond compressor 9 170 case 4 515 fl 57O 1 Sieermg hYd Pump iw m 3 6 611 Seal kit Air cond compressor shaft 9 175 Seal Front axle shaft ELG58 SM1 S i 9 Yi q hYd Pump Pl Ye 6 612 Seq kit Fuel injector 3 304 Seal Front body hinge pillar 112 840 S l SKGGYUIQ hYd Pump Ve hese 6 674 Seal unit Compressor shaft oil 9 175 Seal Front door opening 16 2 25 Soul Steering hyd volvo cover 61 555 seul unit Oil pump 4 203 Seal Front door window regulator l XM 7 B3 Sercrl Steering idler and 3rd u m slmit 6 181 Seal mm Rem axle shim bearing 5822 Seal Front fender skin il l54 S l Steering idl f l VB 898 Seal unit Transmission 4 005 Seal Front oil pump il 203 Seal Steering knuckle corrtrol crrm 6 165 Sect unit Tf HSmiSSi0 b1 k Saul Front propeller shaft be ming 5 433 Soul Steering knuckle support 5 050 cmd clutch 4 137 Seal From wheel hub 5 3 08 Soul Steering post A 6 758 Seal unit Transmission clutch 4 16G Seq Fuel md vacuum pump gil LQO4 4 Soul Strg shui becnring 5 526 Sealed beam Portable spotlight 9 773 Seal Fuel injector 3 330 Seal Steering shcxit U join 6 525 Seqled beam Headlamp 2 727 SEG Fuel injecicr dish 3340 1 Soul Tachometer housing 9 750 Sealer Body rear door top l5 2Z7 Seal Fuel meter 322 Saul Tail cmd stop lamp to hander 2 660 Sem Air oonditioning seal 9 175 Soul G s tank filler neck 008 Seal Tail lamp link pivo lwuckelk 16 335 Seat Air suspension reservoir mtg 7 472 Soul Gocrrshift 4 008 Soul Tie rod ball stud 6 886 Seat Auxiliary 16 670 Seal Geqrshin lever 4 015 4 017 4 022 Q smi Tie rod dust 5 111 sem conch release lever inter 0 851 Soul Geurshift operating shaft 4 lU7 l Saul Torque onv er1z r prirrmry r4 ll5 Seat Door lock handle push Seal Headlamp control opening Seal frcmsmicssion ccrsr CC V4B1 4 124 button spring 16 353 Cover Plvm 2 775 Seal Trans c se cover and qecmshiit 4 107 Seat Georshift lever spring 4 027 SBGL H d m lens 2 795 Seal Ircmsmission clutch piston rim 4 188 Seat Gecrrshiit vac cyl cushion 4 046 S e l Heater Cmd deimSi 9786 Soul I rcmsmi sion control 4 022 Seat Handle push button spring 16 353 Seal Heater com pipe 8854 Seacrl Tronsmisssion control volvo 4 282 Seat Hood upper lock plates 8 085 S e l Hemel meter 8856 Seal Transmission cover oil 4 125 Sent Hyd strq cyl piston rod 6 581 SlE 1 Heater www i mp Cont vqlv 9 795 Soul I rc nsmi sion front oil pump Seat Low servo 4 228 S E l Hood 9 127 body gi 4 203 Seq Oi pump pressure I g Se l Hood emblem 8 055 S ecl Transmission m cri n drive gear valve spring l GU9 Soul Hood hinge E D13 bearing 4 358 Sour Piston crpply spring 4 228 1962 Chevrolet Motor Division General Motors Corporation