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Parts and Accesories Catalog February 1961
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AIR CONDITIONING PARTS CONT Door Evaporator air inlet 9 218 Lump socket Electrical 9 276 Retainer Evaporator 9 211 Domy Valve compartment Il 1H 91 9 789 Leak deueclorr Maintenance 9182 R kliner Evqpgyqtgy gi distributor Duct assy Air flow 9 785 Lever C SSY Air flow 9 786 Outlet A v HHN H U 9 264 Duct assy Evaporator air distributor 9 262 I V 1 SSy Control cable 9 281 Retainer Evupomtor bypussr I l U U 9 198 Duct a5sy Evaporator air retum 9 269 Lever sSY Evupomlor bY P sS 9198 Retainer Generator or commutatoy Elbow Evaporator r r 9 215 L11 1k GSSY All flow 9 786 end frame I l 4 I l I V I I U 2 298 Escutcheort Evaporator control 9 279 Lubricating oil Maintenance 9 282 Retainer HOSE L 9 242 Extension assy Wiring adapter 9 276 M 1101d 4r r 3 601 Ring Compressor pulley I I l I A 9 181 Yan Heater r 8 857 Motor ssy Blower and ventilator 8 855 Ring Compressor Shah A 4 I I U I 9 175 Fitting Compressor r 9 228 Motor assy Evaporator blower 9 215 Ring Compressor clutch Gcmuungr N 9188 Ylywheel 0 666 Mounting unit Compressor 9 169 Ring Evupomtm Expansion valve 9214 Frame Generator commutator 2 297 Nut Compressor oil test 9 177 Rod Evqpcmtmr A V l U 9282 Frame unit Generator drive end 2 305 Nut Compressor pulley 9 181 Rod Hand throttle b A l l l l l 4 i Q l l 3481 Fuse Electrzcal 9 277 Nut Compressor suction and Screen Compressor mon mleh I A I A 9172 Gasket Carburetor idle 3 820 discharge 9 228 Screen Evupmmor com housing U H 9211 Gasket Compressor clutch actuating 9 186 Nut Evaporator air duct 9 265 Screen assy Evaporator expansion Gasket COH1 3 9S OY X1 YT1Ul 9 174 Nut Evaporator air distributor 9 262 Gasket Compressor oil test 9 177 Nm Evupommr bypcss glgg vulve 9214 Gasket Compressor pressure relief 9 178 Nut Evcpommr Expansion valve 9 214 Screw Curburetm Idle 3820 Gasket Compressor suction and Nut Hand Ccmmlr A 3 483 Screw COYTIPYGSSOI clutch actuating 9 188 discharge 9 225 Nut Hamer 8 857 Screw Compressor external 9 174 G k 1 EV POY 1O 911 9 260 Nut Refrigerant 9 190 Screw Compressor internal 9 172 G 1 1t EV 1PO1 1O1 111 11 191 9 208 Nut Temperature and motor control 9 275 Screw Compressor mtg 9 173 G S1 Yt EV PO1 1OY bY P S 9 198 Nut kit drive shutt and head 9 170 Screw Compressor pressure relief 9 178 Giisketr EVCIPOYUYOY CO housing 9 211 Outlet Air 9 262 Screw Control 9 278 G 1 91 EVUPOYWOY XP 1On 9213 Outlet Coolant 1 153 Screw Compressor oil test 9 177 G 1 1 EVUPOYGYOY XP i0n Valve 9214 Pan Evaporator core housing 9 211 Screw Compressor pulley 9 181 G 1 1t EVGPOYUTOY temp COUUOL 9275 Pin Compressor oil pump shaft 9 172 Screw Evaporator by pass 9 198 G k 1 FY m lnspecllml 9202 Pin Compressor oil seal shaft 9 175 Seo Compressor 9 226 G k 1 HGCMGY 10 1 Sh 8 854 Pin Compressor pressure relief 9 178 Seal Compressor 9 175 G k 1 H 1 1 W 1 T lem 9 795 Pin Evaporator bypass 9 198 Seal Evaporator air 9 260 G k TY 1115 CUSS 4 105 Pin Heater cam lock 9 786 Seal Evaporator air return 9 269 G 19t TYGUS 011 111191 133 Pipe assy Evaporcxtor 9 220 Seal Evaporator by pass 9 198 GOUOYCWY 2 275 Pipe Assy Evaporator by pass 9 198 Seal Evaporator core housing 9 211 1111 EV POY 101 11 d1 11 1bu1O1 Piston Compressor irttern 1 9 172 Seal Evaporator inlet 9 208 outlet 9 264 Piston Low compression ratio 9 172 Seal Heater W t9f valve 9 795 G1Omm 1 COmPY OY md 1 S r 9 225 Piston assy Evaporator by pass 9 198 Seal Reiriqerant w dehydrator 9 195 Gr mm tt EVCIPOYUYOY com hO 1 9 9 211 Plate Compressor clutch actuating 9 188 Seal kit Compressor 9 170 G1O1 11m Yt M 111 119 1 1C9 9282 Plate Compressor mtg 9 171 Seal unit Relrigerant 9 190 H Q 1 EV 1P01 1O1 9 211 Plate Control 9 279 Seat Compressor piston drive ball 9 172 Hqmess Ammeter to starting switch 2 525 Plgtgl Evqpmqtor 9 211 Shah assy Compressor 9 170 Harness assy Wiring 9276 Plqte Evuporato air duct 9 226 Shield Blower motor 10 260 H d COYNPYQSSOY Y1 Cmd 19m 9174 Plate Heater and deiroster motor Shim unit Compressor shaft 9 175 Hose A11 HOW 9786 mtg 8 856 Sight glass Freon inspection 9 202 Hose Compressor and condenser 9 225 Plate ussyu Compyessorrinternal 9 172 Sleeve Air duct 9 782 HO D91YC 1 1 9779 Plug Evaporator core housing 9 211 Sleeve Manifold discharge cross over 9 172 HO 9 EVUPOYGYOY 9220 Plug Hvaporator expansion valve 9 214 Solder Maintenance 9 282 HOSE E P01 101 GU 9260 Plug Generator oil 2 301 Spacer Compressor pulley 9 181 HO EV PO1 1O1 7019 housing 9 211 Pulley Air susp air compressor 7 450 Spacer Compressor shalt 9 175 H0S R 11 1 1 1 1 1 1159 Pulley Compressor drive 9 180 Spacer Evopcrator by pass 9 199 HO R d1 1O1 0111191 1173 Pulley Engine blower or ian and Spacer Evaporator inlet 9 208 11 S1 t COmPY SOY S1 11 9 175 water pump 1 062 Spacer Refriqerant w dehydrator 9 195 Housinq Heater 8 854 Pulley assy Crankshaft 0 659 Spring Air flow 9 786 Houslmb 11 919 1r 1v 1v 9 795 Pulley assy Generator 2 274 Spring Evcrporator by pass 9 198 Inlet Evaporator core housing 9 211 Pump unit Compressor oil 9 172 Stake Evaporator core housing 4 9 211 Inlet assy Air duct 4 9 782 Race Compressor wobble plate Support Battery 2 333 Insulator Evaporator expansion thrust brg 9 172 Support Carburetor 3 890 valve 9 214 Receiver s5y 9 195 Support COYUPYBSSOY 1 r k 1 9 171 1 S 1 r F1 t r 1 1 w r cmd ir Retrtqetmtt maintenance 9 282 pp Ev P r t r 1 11S1r11 1 r inlet 9786 Reinforcement Evaporcttor core Outlet 9284 tnsututttm tttt tavepomtm 9 220 housing Mu 11PP Y1 Ev p r t r we 1 1 q 9 211 K9Y C mP1 SSOY Clumh C111 11119 9 188 Relay assy Blower motor cutout 9 277 Sugpcm Heater Cam j 9 786 Kit Evoporator by pass 9 198 Replacement unit Freon inspection 9 202 Swltchl CC m r ssOt l h actuating 9 188 Kit EW t b 1 I b i 9 199 Switch Distributor blower 9 275 opora or ypass va ve Resistor Blower motor 9 275 Switch GSS Air HOW Control I H 9 787 Kit N ts d t 9169 Y O1 9 IB UC 1OH Restrlctox HGGIGI 8 866 Switch ussyu EVGPOICIIOXI b I 9 215 K b C 1 1 9278 Retoiner Compreswr clutch 1 1i q 9 186 Switch qssy Evqpot t r temp control 9 275 Knob Distributor temp control 9 787 Retainer Compressor internal 9 172 Swivel assy Evaporqtor distributor Knob Evaporator 9 262 Retainer Compressor shaft 9 175 outlet 9 264 1962 26 Chevrolet Motor Division General Motors Corporation