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Parts and Accesories Catalog February 1961
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ENGINE ElElRC 1iES NUIVIIESERX ACCNCD SUFFIX CHART 105 Eli Mcmzr ninsncnnvrroiv TYPE JDESIGNATION 15 21 2400 Regulciir 23Ei 6 Cylinder C C C C C Z 15 21 2400 4 Regulcii 235 6 Cylinder with HCDC Clut hC C C C C C ZC 15 21 2400 235 6 Cylinder Powerglicle i C C Y 15 21 2400C 265 8 Cylinder with 3 Speed Trcinsmi i nC C C C C C 4 C C C C C C C G 15 21 2400C C i 285 8 CyliCnder with Overdrive C C C C 4 4 C C C GC 15 21 2400 C C C 265 8 Cylinder with Air Conizlitioning and CC verdirive C 4 C C GQ 15 21 2400 C 265 8 CyliCnder with Power Pack and C verdC1 ive C C C C C C C C C C GE 15 21 2400 i l 255 8 CyliCnder with 3 Speed and Air Concliitioning l 4 C C C C GF 15 21 2400 C 265 8 Cylinder with HCDC Clutch C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C G1 15 21 2400C Cl 2G5 8 Cylinder with HCD Clutch and Air Coizirzliticning C C C C C C C C C C GK 15 21 2400 C CC C 265 8 Cylinder with Power Pack C C C C C C C C C C CCCCCCCCCCCCCACC C CCCCCCCCCC C GL 15 21 2400 C CCCCCCCCC 265 8 Cylinder with Power Paclc and Air Ccmcilitioning C lCCCCCCC CC C C C C C C C C C C C GM 15 21 2400 CCCCCC C C 265 8 Cylinder with Power Puck O ver i lrive cirid CAir Conditioning CCCC CC C C CC C C C C GN CORVETTE C CCCCCCCCCC 265 8 Cylinder with 3 Speed TrnCns1nis s C nC C C CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C CCCCCC C C GR 15 21 2400 CCCCCCCCCCCCC 265 8 Cylinder with Powerglide CCCCCCCC C CC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C F 15 21 2400 CCCCCCCCCCCCC 265 8 Cylinder with Powerglide cmd P wer l c lc CCCCC CCCCC CC CCC C CCCC CCC FB 15 21 2400 CCCCCCCCCCCCC 265 8 Cylinder with Powerglide cmcl Air Conditioning CCCCCC CCC C CC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC FC 15 21 2400 CCCCCCCCCCCCC 265 8 Cylinder with Powerglide Air C i riditii ning and Power Pack CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC FD CORVETTE CCCCCCCCCCCC 265 8 Cylinder with Powerglide CCCCC C C C C CCCCC CCC CCC CC C C CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC FG 31 32 36 3800 C C C Thriftmizister T235 CCCCCCCCCCCCCC C C C C C C C CCCCCCCCCCC rCC CCCC C CCCC C CC CCC C X 31 32 36 3800 CCCCCCCCCC Thriftmizzister 235 with Hydramciticz l ro11ii1 n1Cssic 1ii C C C C CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C CCCCCC C CCCC CCC XG 31 32 36 3800 CCCCCC C C C C Thriftmizister 235 HCDC Clutch CCCCCCCC C CCCC C C C C CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C CCCCCCCCC V 34 35 3700 CCCCCCCCCCCCC T1 tI1ltH1 I 1Sl T 235 CCCCCCCCCCCCCC C C C C C C C C CC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC W 34 35 3700 CCCCCCCCCCCCC Thriftmztister 235 with Hydramatic ll roCn s12 r1iissio nC CCCCCCCCCCC C CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC WA 31 32 36 3800 CCCCCCCCCC Tradenioster 1265 C C C C C CC CCCC C C C C C C CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C C C C A 31 32 36 3800 CCCCCCCCCC Trademastezr 285 with Hydramatics Tr anCsrnissic nC C C C C CCCC C CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C CCCC B 31 32 36 3800 CCCCCCCCCC Tradeniicister 2 55 with HCDC Clu tchC C C C CCCC C CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C CCCCCC M 34 35 3700 CCCCCCCCCCCCC Trademaster 2 55 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C C CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC D 34 35 3700 CCCCCCCCCCCCC Traderrinster 265 with Hydirarnintic Trarismissioii CCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC DA 34 35 3700 CCCCCCC CC Trademasteir 2 55 with HCDC Clu tch CCCCCC C C C CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC DB A stamped following suffix when thiCs engine is used in 3600 Series and El when used in 3800 Series A stamped following suffix when this engine is used in 3600 Series cmd B if used in 3800 Series and C if used in 3100 and 3200 Series Six cylinder and 8 cylinder are nunibered separately with each type eiigine iiuuulbered in sequence starting with 0001001 F wil designate Flint engine T will designate Tonawanda engine EXAMPLE I The 50th 2100 Series regular production 2C3iES 6 cylinder engine built cit Flint cczirzries Serial No 0001050 F56Z it built at Tonawanda 0001050 T56ZC 1915 Y C C TYPE MODEL DE S E R IPTION DESIGNATIDN 15 21 2400 CCCCCCCCCCCCC Regular 235 6 cylinder CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C CC C CCCC C C CCCCCCCCC A 15 21 2400 CCCCCCCCCCCCC Regular 235 6 cylinder with HCDC Clutcrh CC CC C C C C C C CC CCCCC CC CCC C CCCCCCCCCC AD 15 21 2400 CCCCC C C 235 Ei cylinder Powerglide CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C C CCC C C C C C CC CCCCCCCCCC B 15 21 2400 CCCC CCC C 265 8 cylinder with 3 Speed I rans missionC C C CCCC C CCCCCCCCC C C C C CCC C C C C 15 21 2400 CCCCCCCCCCCCC 265 El cylinder with Overdrive CCC C C CC CC CCC C CCCCCCCCCC CC C CCC CC CCCCCCCCCCCC CD 1 5 21 2400 CC C CCC CC 265 8 cylinder with HCD Clutch CCCCC C CC CC CC C C CCCCCC CC CCC C CC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CE 15 21 2400 C C C 283 Ei cylinder with 4BC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C CCCCCCCCCCCC C C E 1 5 21 2400 CC C C 283 Ei cyliindeir with Dual 4HC C C C CC C CCCC CC C CCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC EA 1962 Chavrclat Motor Division 13 General Motors Corporation