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Parts and Accesories Catalog February 1961
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12 16 1800 348 8 cylinder with Powerglide 4 4 4 V G 12 16 1800 4 A 348 8 cylinder with Turboglide 4 r H 12 16 1800 4 348 8 cylinder with Turboglide and 231 2BC 4 4 V HA CORVETTE 283 8 cylinder with 3 Speed I i c1nsn1 i ssion CQ CORVETTE i 283 El cylinder with 3 Speed Trcinsamztaasion arid Fuel Injection 4 4 i CR CORVETTE i 283 El cylinder with 3 Speed T ClXlS H lilESlOI l Fuel Injection and Hi Litt Cam CS CORVETTE i 283 8 cylinder with 3 Speed Trcinsmiission arid Dual 4BC 4i i CT CORVETTE 283 8 cylinder with 3 Speed Trcinsmisision Dual 4BC and Hi Litt Cam 4 CU CORVETTE 4 283 V8 cylinder with Powerglide 4 A t 4 t DG CORVETTE t4 283 8 cylinder with Powerglide and Fuel 1r1 iec tion 4 l 4 4 DH CORVETTE 4 283 8 cylinder with Powerglide cmd Dual 4 13CT i 4 4 i D1 31 32 36 3800 i Thrittrnaster 235 with 3 Speed Trcins m i ssion t c c 4 4 1 31 32 36 3800 Thrittinaster 235 with Hydramatic Tranzsinissiori 4 IF 34 35 3700 i Thrittmaster 235 with 3 Speed Trcinsrninsion 4 4 K 34 35 3700 c Thrittinnster 235 with Hydraniatic Tran rnissir n it 4 KA 31 32 36 3800 4 Trademaster 283 Y i i i M 31 32 36 3800 4 Trademaster 283 with Hydrcunatic Trc ns mission t t i l MA 31 32 36 3800 Tradernaster 283 with H D Clutch i i i i MB Note The continuous engine serial numlzier has been eliminated Enginiszlsa are zricw stamped with a source production date and type on serial pad EXAMPLE F12101F F 12 10 1C Flint Plant Month Day Tlirittniaster 23Ei with Hydramatic Transmission December Tenth 1 1 E5 9 TYPE MODEL DESCRIPTION DESIGNATION 11 15 1700 235 6 cylinder with 3 Speed Trcins rni ion 4 A 11 15 1700 235 6 cylinder with H D Clutch i i l AE 11 15 1700 i 235 6 cylinder with Powerglide i t i 4 4 B 12 16 1800 i 4 283 8 cylinder with 3 Speed Trcirisiniisislon i i C I 12 16 1800 4 283 8 cylzinder with Overdrive i i i CD 12 16 1800 283 8 cylinder with 3 Speed and 4BC i 4 CF 12 16 1800 i 283 8 cylzinder with Overdrive and 4111 4 i 4 4 CG 12 16 1800 283 8 cylinder with 3 Speed an d Fuel lnjecztlon CH 12 16 1800 i 283 8 cylinder with 3 Speed Fuel liijszction and Hi Litt Cam i 4 C1 12 16 1800 4 283 8 cy1i nder with Powerqlide 4 4 l D 12 16 1800 283 8 cylinder with Powerqlide and 41ElC i i DB 12 16 1800 i 283 V 8 cylinder with Powerglide and Air Suspension i i DE 12 16 1800 4 283 8 cylinder with Powerglide 4BC and Aizr Suspension i DF 12 16 1800 283 8 cylinder with Powerglide and C A C 4 l 4 4 DK 12 16 1800 283 8 cylinder with Powerglide C A C1 and Air Suspension 4 i 4 DL 12 16 1800 4 283 8 cylinder with Powerglide C A l and 41ESC l DM 12 16 1800 283 8 cylinder with Powerglide C A l 4BCl and Air Suspension 4 4 DN 12 16 1800 4 283 8 cylinder with Powerglide and Fuel Injection 4 DP 12 16 1800 i 283 8 cylinder with Turboglide 4 4 i 4 E 12 16 1800 283 8 cylinder with Turboglide and 4818 i 4 EB 12 16 1800 l 283 8 cylinder with Turboglide and Fuel Injection i EC 12 16 1800 283 8 cylinder with Turboglide ond Air Susperision ED 12 16 1800 283 8 cylinder with Turboglicle 4BCY and Air EEiu spension EF 12 16 1800 283 B ceylirider with Turboglicle and CJXC i i 4 EG 12 16 1800 283 8 cylinder with Turboglicle C A C and Air Suspension 4 4 i EH 12 16 1800 283 8 cyllzrider with Turboglidle C A C cmd 1E1C 4 E1 12 16 1800 283 8 cylinder with Turboglidle C A C 4BC and Air Suspension 4 EK 12 16 1800 i i 348 8 cylinder with 3 Speed Trciznsniission i F 12 16 1800 348 8 cylinder with 3 Speed and J3 2E lf t FA 1 2 1 6 1800 4 i 348 8 cylinder with 3 Speed 3 ZIBC and Hi 1 i t Cam i i FB 12 16 1800 i i 348 8 cylinder with Hi Litt Ccim l i i 4 FD 12 16 1800 348 8 cylinder with 3 2BC and High 1 s 1 torrn a nc e 4 i 4 FE 12 16 1800 i 348 8 cylinder with High Performance i i i FG 12 16 1800 348 8 cylinder with Poweirglidle li i G 12 16 1800 348 8 cylinder with Powerglidle and 3 ZEBC c i GB 12 16 1800 i ii 348 8 cylinder with Poweirglide and Hi Litt Clcun iM i GD 12 16 1800 i 348 8 cylinder with Turboglide H 1962 Chevrolet Motor Division 1 F General Motors Corporation