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Parts and Accessories Catalog October 1968 |

69 Caprice Estate agi 6 Way exc Strata bench 69 E tl Air Impala 67 Vav 5 O45388 30 50 NIUITOR horrzontal and vertical I 65 S 5 47vr av 5045385 30 50 IVIOTOR horizontal and vertical I 6668 Pass vvt4 vvav bucket seat 5045530 30 50 NICITOR herizental and vertical 1 60 Pass 47vvav 4799874 28 70 TRANS ASIEEEiY horizontal anrt vertical 1 60 Pass vvtsgl mtr eonstrtrctrerr 67vvay 4783126 30 95 TIRANS AE1 Ei Y horrzental and vertical 1 61 6C3 Pass 67vvay 4810748 30 05 TRANS ASISY horizontal and vertical 1 35 Pass 47vr av 5719227 TRANS AEILSY h0rrz0ntal and vertical 1 66763 Pass 4 vvay racket seat 97051313 26 25 TRANS ASIISY horizontal and vertical 1 54 GB Pass 67vvav 59 Caprice Estale ag vvt67 vvav exc Strato bench 69 Bal Arr Impala W GsW8 97071 56 30 25 TRANS ASSY horizontal and vertical 1 60 Pass vvtSgl mtr I construction 4l 3 58 l5 4 35 RELAY rrorirorrtal and vertical motor vv strpt 7r13 095 1 61 53 Pass 6 vvavr Ei7 1l I065 4 20 RELAY adjuster mot0r 13 095 1 60 Pass 4 vvavl 4I3i 6 547 9 15 SOLENOID ASQSY trans 1 60763 Pass vv sgl rntr OIISYYl IC1lUl1 67vvav 4El 64 35 1 I 55 S OLENOIEI ASSY trans 1 64768 Pass r67vvav exc Astro bench seat 69 Caprice Estate ag vv 6 vvay exc Strato bench 69 Bel Arr Impala vv 67vvav 5717845 11 60 SEi LEN I II ASSY trans 1 65 S S vv 4 vvav becket seat 5719228 8 80 SC LEN l Z ASSY trans 1 66768 Pass vv 4 vvav lrtrtzket seat 5717682 9 15 S LEN l l ASSY trans 1 60768 Pass vv sql mtr riorrstrtrctrorr 6 vvay 47 vvav Irtrtzlttct seat 69 tiaprrtxrr Estate Vat vv 67 vvav exc Stratc bench 69 Elel Air Impala vvt6 vvay 5711693 99 SHAFT traits clutch A R 6465 Pass vvt 6 vvav Astre bench seat 5717512 1 41 E5 UPP RT atlrtrster transmrssron 1 65 S S 4 vvav I ticI t t seat 9702763 5 95 SIJPPCIRT crrrver scat aclgrister trans 1 66768 Pass 94 vvav brrcket seat 97053140 5 95 iI lIPP RT rtlitister transnrrssron 1 66767 Pass 37vvav exc Astro bentih seat 68 Pass 67vvav 69 Caprice Estate Vat vv 67 vvnv ext Strato bench 69 Bcl Air Impala vv 67vvav 9707584 5 95 Sl lPP Z RT ASSIY trtlyrrster transmission I 60768 Pass I6sV I 47m av litrcket seat 69 iZ rprrr Estate ag vt 67 vvav exc Strate berrrih 69 Bel Arr Impala vv 6 vvav 5711115 33 PAD r tljtralrr trans strppprt 1 61 6iEI Pass 6 vvzrvl 4 vvav Irrrcket seat 69 japrrtttr Estate Vat w 6 vvav exc Strata bench 69 Bel Arr Impala vv 6 vvay 5711I l 27 10 SF RI lG Itrrrs cltiiib slralt 3 61 BIEr Pass I6 vvavl 4 vvav brr l et seat 5711 125 2 59 GEAR traits rlrivrrrtr A R 61 651 Pass 6 vvav 4 vvay brr l ct seat 69 fiapirtce Estate Vat vv 67 vvav exc Strato bench 69 Elel Arr Impala V GVVVHY 5711128 85 GEAR trar fr t nt anrl noriz 2 61 7621 Pass I6 vvav 69 Illaprrtre Estate Mat W 67 vvav exc Strata bench 69 tel Arr lmprrla vv 6 way 57111 I29 60 GEAR trams rear vertical 1 66 68 Pass I6r Gil 69 Capritre Estate ag vu 67 vvav ext Strata benclr 69 Bel Art Impala vvt 6 vvay 9I7 7 154 85 GEAR trar it tlrrvirrg 1 66768 Pass r47vvav btrclaet seat 9I7 5Z328 2 78 GIIEAR tratrs ttirrvrrrg 1 60 Pass 4 vvavl 60768 Pass vv sql mtr tterrstrirctron 67vt ay 47 vvay l recl et seat 69 Caprice Estate Vat vv 6 vvav exc Strato berrclr 69 Bel Air Impala V r 6rV Hy 4l30 6I361 95 PI Ul l IiElt trans cltrtttlr slit r AR t 1969 CrI EvROtEI It IOTOR DIVISION Gt I ir a ttt rt rOrOas tttrr r t rrAnrr0m REV iI 1 69 P 11 35 11 556 11 556