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Parts and Accessories Catalog October 1968
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COIL TYPE 58 Pass 6 cy exc Sta Wag SDL C A C 58 Pass l283 exc A T Sta Wag SDL Conv C A C 58 Pass AT w C A C 8 Cyl exc Conv Sta Wag 58 Pass w P G 348 exc Conv Sta Wag C A C 58 Conv 8 cyl 59 60 Sedan 6 Cyl 1st design exc Impala 59 60 Conv 1st design 60 62 Bel Air Spt Cpe 6 Cyl exc H D 3754513 9 50 stripe of dark hlue paint l wide on three coils and a stripe of orange paint l wide on full length of 0D 1560 lhs 2 58 Pass w H D exc Sta Wag 58 Taxi 58 62 Sta Wag exc 9 Pass H D Police 59 SDL PDL w extra HD 3765137 10 70 stripe of light green paint W2 wide on 3 coils and a stripe of lime paint 6 wide 0n full length of 0 D 2080 lhs 2 58 Pass 283 exc Sta Wag Conv SDL CA C 58 Pass 348 exc PG Sta Wag Conv C A C 59 Impala 6 Cyl exc Conv HD 59 Sedan Spt Cpe 8 Cyl exc H D 58 Sta Wag 59 62 Sta ag 9 Pass 59 62 Sta Wag 6 Pass Police w H D lst design 60 62 Impala Spt Cpe 6 cyl exc H D 60 62 Spt Cpe 8 Cyl exc HD Super Sport 64 Sta Wag 9 Pass 64 Sta Wag w H Per Dual 4BC 409 6 Pass exc H D 3752910 9 50 stripe of dark hlue paint Z wide on three coils and a stripe of yellow paint wide on full length of O Dl 1 560 lhs 2 64 Sta Wag w HD 6 Pass 3844119 10 25 part No taped on spring 233O lhs LE 59 64 Pass w H D exc Sta Wag SDL PDL Taxi Stiper Sport Police 59 60 SDL PDL Taxi exc HD 3777134 9 90 stripe of dark green paint wide on three coils and a stripe of lime paint I wide on full length of 0 D 1750 lhs Note 1 2 59 60 SDL PDL vv HD 61 62 Taxi 3777138 9 90 stripe of gray paint lg wide on three coils and a stripe of lime paint I ly wide on full length of 0 D 1900 lhs 2 60 62 Sedan 6 Cyl 2nd design exc Spt Cpe Impala Taxi Police H D 60 62 Conv 2nd desigri exc HD Super Sport 3777133 9 50 stripe of yellow paint I wide on three coils and a Stripe of orange paint W5 wide on full length of 0D 156O lhs 2 60 62 Sedan 8 CyI exc Taxi Police H D 1969 CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL IVIOTORS CORPORATl0N 7 503 7 503 P 7 60 REV 7 1 69