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Parts and Accessories Catalog October 1968 |

e INDEX l ALPHABETICAL PARTS AND ACCESSORIES 0 000 ENGINE CLUTCH for 1 000 COOLANT GRILLE OIL iYSTEM 2 000 MCIDELS 1 938 1969 EC I STEM EL AL REVISION NUMBER 4l Reprinted in its Entirely i Effective with Parts Release and Change Notice 69 7 Dated July I I969 3 000 FUEL EXHAUST PARTS ORDERS TO BE PLACED B i CHEVROLET DEALERS WITH CARBURETION GENERAL MOTORS PARTS DIVISION I GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION 4 000 wnsricwses ccwvmimrir LOCATED A1 mi naiiovvrno poimg TRANBS ON A Atlanta Georgia Des Noiries lla Long Island City Philadelphia Pu A B timore Md Delrat Mich NY Pittsburgh Pa 1 i Birmingham Ala EI pow TEXGS Louisville Ky epcnlundl Omqm Boston Mass Fm C N D Memphis Tenn Richmmnd Virigimu OOQ Buffalo M Y 3 i Milwcwkee Wis A S LO M BRAKES REAR che ierre N lj AFl l E Mi e r lis Minn ms lo AXLE AND DRIVE Chicago illl GHG Faux Mon Newark N J Sch Lake G Uich ncg mr 0 0 Hwsvcini Te New Orleans La S A i l S Cleveland Ohio Incicnopolrs Ind Oakland Cal r t P D llas Texas j k OnV5 e F t Oklahoma City V r1 NUYS i lil Denver Colo Kmwji City M0 Ol l Wichita Kansas FRONT AXLE Omaha Nebr Master Warehouses AMayor Supply Depots F ctor y Warehouse 7 000 All illustrations and specifications ccmtained in this literature are based on the latest FRAME SPRINGS product information available at the time of publication approval Chevrolet Motor BUMPER Division reserves the right to make changes at any time wthout notice in cclors materials equipment specifications and models and also to discontinue m0d6 lS The prices shown in this catalog under the heading Li t Prices are esiuggiistedi 8 0O prices v SHEET METAL HEATER STD PARTS CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION 9 000 DE I ROIT MIICH 48202 ggpv M G AIR COND INSTR L ZZi1 9 96 pn so Revised Chevrolet Motor Division July 1 969 General Motors Corporation who in U A ii