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Parts and Accessories Catalog October 1968
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STEP UNIT Running T TA T 8 225 STRIP Front Seat Side Trim See Group 12 976 STICK Trim 12 946 for 2nd and 3rd seat moulding and STOP Body Side and Rear 16 157 SCUiCl1 0l1l v i i 14 818 STOP Brake Main Cylinder 4 4653 STRIP Instrument Panel to Dash 10 230 STOP Deer 1 v v 15 4D STRIP Quarter Window Lower Sash 11 007 5 T0i 0OOr Hin B V 16323 STRIP Roof Drip 12 075 STQPT Dggi Wi11g igW 10 716 STRIP Side Roof Rail and Body Lock Pillar 10 721 5 TDp End Gam v v 17 222 STRIP Transmission 1st Reverse Gear 4 419 g TDp 1 0 11 DOO VEn111a1O1 V 16 176 STRIP Windshield Glass rubber 10 092 STOP 1 10 11 6 1 1 11 198 Arm V V 11375 STRIP Windshield Side 12 808 STOP P1 On1 pr1ng TTl TT Tl 7 422 STRIP ASSY Front Door Window Outer nner 10 710 STOP Haadmmp 0111101 AvA T TA T 2 775 STRIP ASSY Rear Door Window 10 774 STOP Instrument Panel Compartment Door 10 263 STRUT0 AIT Cleaner 3405 stop Quarter Window Glass 11 012 STRUTV 0007 IVI0I g rr 9 009 stop otiortor Window Lower Sash 11 007 STRUT CIUTCIT R0I0000 I 0 0 ii i I I I I 0070 STOP Rear AXIS rT r T Av1 5 395 STRUT Low BRAKE Band 4 233 STOP Rear Compartment Door 12 981 STRUT Parkmg Brake Shoe LEVEL 5150 STRUT Reverse Brake Band 4 246 STOP Rear Door Window 10 768 STRUT Steering Knuckle Upper and Lower STOP Steering Knuckle 6 009 Control 6 168 E13 Y Z i J1 iLi JL 133 f I I 0 giggipsar 444 rnnn n snn nsni Pr 3 cce era or STO 0E 1 C1 3In I r ISE gtoogorotor Pedal i i i r ir eaner STITAIGTIT PINS n i i S SSS stuo Air Cleaner 3 403 S TRAINER FU0I TSIIK 00090 r 3 1 ID STUD Air Conditioning Compressor Mounting 9 171 STRAP Air Claahar i 3 405 stuo Air Conditioning Evoporotor 9 210 STRAP Air Injection Reactor 3 670 STUD A1T iujgcugi 1 Rggcigi pump iyiguming T 3555 STRAP Assist i r 15 390 stuo Axle snort 5 422 STRAP Battery Ground with Terminal 2 341 STUD Battery Hanger Clamp 2 334 STRAP Cluster Gauge 9 735 STUD Body Side Outer Panel 17 507 STRAP Front Door Lower 10 454 STUD Clutch Fork 0 796 STRAP Front Door Upper 10 450 STUD Clutch Pedal Intermediate Lever Shaft Ball 0 851 STRAP Fuel Tank 3 022 STUD Coolant Pump 1 073 STRAP Generator 2 313 STUD Crankshaft Bearing Cap 0 056 STRAP Ignition Switch 2 188 STUD Cylinder Head 0 293 STRAP Lighting 2 485 STUD Distributor Terminal 2 400 STRAP Luggggg 1 A T 17 070 STUD Door Ventilator Regulator 10 564 STi iAp iyiauiigig 1 T 3602 STUD Door Window Division Channel Adjusting 10 704 STRAP ivioot also ooo grotio 6 803 6 518 Door W T nd ir rrr rr TD gg STRAP Muffler 3 704 TIQIITS IT SD i i stitAi Ponting Brake 4 765 STUD Exhaust Pino r r rr 3 613 STRAP Platform Mounting 17 447 STUD Fon TDSA STRAP Propeller snort 5 432 STUD FATITITIIBT Arm i I D60 S TRAP Radmtor W A A 1 219 STUD Fldg top and Dust Boot 13 384 strtAF Rear Axle Rebound woo STUD Flvwhaol and Clutch Housing io Cylinder QT 0 00 0 00 0 T0I 00 0 H 00I I9 07 sr0i I i i Iidr no roo1 tooritioii f j Q f f I f j j f f j f f igjggg oof Luggage 12 815 STUD Folding Top Front Roof Rail 14 080 STRAP Tail and Stop Lamp 2 694 STUD Four Wheel Drive Transfer Case Shift STRAP U Joint Trunnion and Yoke 5 586 Control 4 570 STRAPI WIT00I 00T 0 I iI i I i ii i 7778 stuo Front Door oiooo Run 10 701 STRAP ASSY r CITII0 Safety l i I I IA870 stuo Front Door Ventilator 16 176 EZTTII STUD Front less paint trim and hardware 10 351 II I I I I I STUD Fuel Injector Air 3 335 STRAP ASSY Luggage 17 070 STRAP ASSY aaai ooor inn Finish 14 764 SEBI EZZZZIQEZ iiogi 1 1 i1o o I j f I i Q i Q Zigi STRAP ASSY 000 Luggage I2 SI5 stuo Generator 2 313 STRAP ASSY SEBI Separator 16 650 STUD Hub Or Drum Front and Rear Wheel 5 812 STRAP ASSY I Vhaal Carrior 7 778 stuo Fiydrotiiio Steering Cylinder Piston Rod 6 581 STRAP UNIT Seat and Shoulder 14 875 STUD 1111131 Man1fO d 10 Ca1bu1 1O1 aiSO seg STRIKER Door Lock 10 569 groups 3275 and 8 981 3 288 STRIKER End Gate Lock 17 200 STUD Instrument g 743 STRIKER Folding Too Roof Rail 14 090 stuo Manifold also ooo groups 3 288 manifold STI RIKER Front 3Dd Side Door Lock 16 335 D Caybw manifgld 0 3 h pipg and STRIKER instrument Panel and Seat Separator 8 981 3 275 Compartment Lock 10 268 STUD Manifold Vacuum Take Off also see group STRIKER Rear Compartment Lid Lock 12 237 8 963 3 278 STRIKER Rear View Mirrow Inside 10 187 STUD Oil 1 652 STRIKER Stop Lamp 2 447 STUD Quarter Window Hinge Pivot 11 057 STRIP Back Body Opening 12 968 STUD Rear Axle Tie Rod 5 418 STRIP Back Door Opening Finishing 10 393 STUD REST Door VVlT1d0W GIBSS 10 759 stiilip Door Opening and windonioid Pillar 10 694 STUD Raar Quarter Window 11 040 STRIP Front Dggi Glass Division 1 10535 STUD Starting Motor 2 077 stniia Front Door Window Outer lnner 10 710 STUD Starting ll lotor Driva Shaft 2 108 stair Front less paint trim ond nordworoi 10 351 STUD Stoarihd Cohnootihe Rod 6 874 i 1969 CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATlONtt 60 REV 7 1 69