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1953-75 Corvette Parts Catalog September 1974 |
4 NOTE This Thumb Index is for your c onvenience How Index operates bend book back wards to locate black block appearing on the first page of each group section These blocks are in the same relative position on this Group Index INDEX ALPHABETICAL INDEX ILLUSTRATION I INDEX 1953 75 0 000 ENGINE CLUTCH RVET E COOLANT GRILLE OIL SYSTEM PARTS CATALOG cI IASSIS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 3 000 FuEL ExI IAuST cARBuRETIoN i Printed in its Entirety F 000 ETTGCTIVB S pli mb f 1974 RA S T S 0N BRAKES 5 000 BRAKES REAR AXLE AND DRIVE PARTS DRDERS TD BE PLACED DY CHEVRDLET DEALERS FRONT AXLE wml GENERAL mutans pints DIVISIDN 7 000 I RAME SPRINGS WAREI IOUSES GONVENIENTLY LOCATED AT THE FOLLOWING POINTS BUMPER Atlanta Georgia Denver Colo Louisville Ky Omaha Nebr g g00 Baltimore Md Detroit Mich AMartin burg W Va Philadelphia Pa SHEET METAL Boston Mass AFlint Mich Milwaukee Wis Pittsburgh Pa HEATER Buffalo N Y Houston Texas Minneapolis Minn Portland Oregon Chicago Ill Indianapolis lnd Newarl N J Richmond Virginia 9 000 Cincinnati Ohio Jacksonville Fla New Orleans La A St Louis Mo BODY MTG AIR Cleveland Ohio Kansas City Mo Oak and Cal Santa Fe Springs Calif COND IN TR Da as Texas New York N Y Oklahoma City Om 10 000 wINDSI IIELD DOORS coNTROLS Master Warehouses A Maior Supply Delpots Factory Warehouse 11 000 s REAR GLASS All Illustrations and specificatlonsa contained in this literature are based on the SEAT AND ADJUSTER latest production information available at the time of publication approval Chev rolet Motor Division reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice I2 000 in colors materials equipment specifications and models and also to discontinue METAL TR M cl IPS m0de AND PANE LS 13 000 U The prices shown In this catalog under the heading List Prices are suggested BODY WIRING P V I LDG TOP TRIM A 14 000 GENERAL MOTORS PARTS DIVISION FLPG T A S INTERIOR TRIM GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION 15000 IELINT MICHIGAN 48oO4 REAR TmM MATs YARDAGE 1974 GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CHEVROLET P A 305