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I Windshield I I 10 003 l I PASISENGER I I Y Doors BODY l A1lR l S SECTION 10 351 I GROIUPIB lO OOO 15 999 Y j Front Door V i1 r 10 650 The identifying lob numbers used to Cilesiginate model usage in this Prnssenger Body section are identical with the styl e r1u 1 nbe r appearing on the Body Name Plate This Door Window style number may be interpreted to give complete information as to the year Model w Regulator Series and type of Body as shown below I 10 783 All correspondence and orders should include the information shown on the name I plate which is located as follows 19129 to l936 Plate is on R l l body sill under floor Seat Adiustel mat Except for roadster and phaetoin on these jobs the P te is attached to the I 11 561 R H side seat frame l937 to l941i 5 P ate is on R H side of cowl under hood ci IEvRoI Er nivmzsioiu I n f f GENERAL MOT 0RJ 5i CCIRP 12181 CORRESPONDENCE PERTAI Z F i V M EL YEAR O BODY MUST BEAR TI IEEE I0E 1 E 1 1 1 1 1 M DEL SERIES B DY TYPE TY E No g g g 9 I H www I W 4 1 EIO DY No I I II r mrmcA1 ioN T R I M No Q I30 I II HMM S l I 1 11111es 111111 j ANID MATERIAL Brackets 1 I PAINT N J l9 colon COMBINATION I IZ 65i BODY BY FISHEEEIR L Sh t M tal I Parts used on particular models are designated by either job numlaers or model T 80 I abbreviations as follows I FISHER CLOSED BODI iZS V W Folding Top I 1NcL CABRIOLET r r L0 1ED 3 34 AND SEDAN DELIVERY OPEN MODELS Phae lioarlster I Trim All Passenger OPEN I Assernbues ALL ABOVE ALL 14 600 15 4gz Cabriolet Cbl Sport Roadster Spt Roa Phaeton Phae Sedan Delivery Sdl seats I Roadster Roa Coupe CYpe I 14 198 I See Closed Body Model Iob Number Sheet llor job lNumbers I Floor Mats I l I and Carpets 15 286 Commercial Body l lo lel Identification l1 eet Shown I I out Cllnroup 16 000 Trim 1 Yardage L g M M I g gggggggggg I gg gggg www gggg LW g g 1s 4s0 1s ss4 437