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Radio Parts Catalog and Dealer Price Schedule March 1958 |

r I I9 4 I I 95 9 RAD I lD PARTS DEALER RICIE SlC l I P E D II L E I dud l IIIINIERICAI IIINVDEX Parts are arranged in part numl er sequence with the ajpplimble prices shown opposite the part number Prices GTB p l piece XC pl GS noted Prices folr multiple quantities i e 8 130 are based upon the qlnqrntity contained within the unit pack ages Multiple quantities aire used where it is impra ti c al to price the parts on an individual basis The prices shown in this schedule under the heading List Pricies are suggested prices only The prices shown in this schedule lunder the heading Dealer Prilnzes are the prices at which Chevrolet Motor Division General Motors Corporation sells replacement parts to its authorized dealers These prices are subject to change without notice The Whlse Comp column shown in this schedule shown the amount ot overriding discount payable on a qualified wholesale sale when the part is sold to a wholesale customer under the Parts Wholesale Compensation Plan The Wholesale Connpensation is also subject to change without notice NOT THIS PRICE ScHEDUL E HAS BEEN REPRINTED ll N ITS ENTIEETY THE 1959 MODEL NEW PARTS AJRE 1N LUDED EFFE 3T1VE WITH PARTS 12E1 EA sE AND CHANGE NOTICE 58 RA11 DA TED 1 lC VEM iBER 1 1958 Cl lE VlRC I ET MOTOR D4l IISION GENERAL morons c ni on AtioN matnoit MIlCll ll 5ANl