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Parts and Illustration Catalog 44N February 1991 |

1986 TRIM COMBINATIONS COLORS Indicated Basic Vinyl or Leather Finish is Antique BASIC INTERIOR BASIC INT BIG 4 PARTS q 27 Dk Blue 62 Lt Saddle Med Saddle 43 Med Sage Dk Saddle 72 Dk Carmine 82 Med Dk Gray Med Dk Gray Dk Gray SEAT OPTION CODE LEGEND AQ9 Articulating Bucket AR9 Recliner Bucket TRIM LEVEL SEATS SEAT OR DOOR DOORS D Deluxe I Ist Design C Cloth M Custom 2 2nd Design V Vinyl S Standard 3 3rd Design L Leather L Luxury 4 4th Design 5 5th Design A Modified COMBINATION NUMBER CODING The First Two Numbers indicate the Basic Color i e 19 B1ack The Third Number or Letter indicates the Type and Design Level as follows Cloth Vinyl B C D E G H J 8 All Vinyl N R V W Y Z Leather 2 3 4 5 1986 TRIM COMBINATIONS Seat Seat Option Trim Level Dk Med Lt Dk Dk Material Styles Code Seats Door Blue Sage Saddle Carmine Gray Texture 4NJ27 69 AR9 S1 1V 27N 62N 72N SIERRA CF 4NJ27 69 AR9 S1 1V 27B 43B 62B 72B 82B MORGAN OL SIERRA CF 4NJ27 AO9 AH9 S1 1AV 82D MORGAN CL SIERRA CF 4NJ27 69 AR9 M2 1AC 270 430 620 720 82C BRONTE PRIMA II 4NJ27 69 AR9 M2 1A0 622 722 822 SIERRA LEA DOESKIN CF T TYPE 1 1991 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS OPERATlONS BUlCK 44N T 14 000 14 2 2 91