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Parts and Illustration Catalog 30 March 1958 |

ENGINE SERIAL NUMBER AND SUFFIX CHART 1 9 5 6 Mount DESCRIPTION TYPE DESIGNATION 15 21 2400 Regular 235 6 Cylinder Z 15 21 2400 Regular 235 6 Cylinder with H D Clutch 1 ZC 15 21 2400 235 6 Cylinder Powerglide Y 15 21 2400 l 4 8 Cylinder with 3 Speed Transmission l 4 G 15 21 2400 8 Cylinder with Overdrive 4 4 GC 15 21 2400 8 Cylinder with Air Conditioning and Overdrive 4 GQ 15 21 2400 8 Cylinder with Power Pack and Overdrive t GE 15 21 2400 4 t 8 Cylinder with 3 Speed and Air Conditioning t 4 GF 15 21 2400 4 4 8 Cylinder with H D Clutch Gl 15 21 2400 t 8 Cylinder with H D Clutch and Air Conditioning 4 4 4 t GK 15 21 2400 4 8 Cylinder with Power Pack 4 4 4 4 GL 15 21 2400 4 8 Cylinder with Power Pack and Air Conditioning 4 GM 15 21 2400 l 8 Cylinder with Power Pack Overdrive and Air Conditioning 4 GN CORVETTE 8 Cylinder with 3 Speed Transmission t GR 15 21 2400 8 Cylinder with Powerglide 4 4 F 15 21 2400 8 Cylinder with Powerglide and Power Pack t FB 15 21 2400 8 Cylinder with Powerglide and Air Conditioning FC 15 21 2400 8 Cylinder with Powerglide Air Conditioning and Power Pack FD CORVETTE t 8 Cylinder with Powerglide A 4 FG 31 32 36 3800 Thriftmaster 235 X 31 32 36 3800 4000 Thriftmaster 235 with Hydramatic Transmission XG 34 35 3700 Thiftmaster 235 Updraft Carburetor Forward Control W 34 35 3700 4 Thiftmaster 235 Updraft Carburetor with Hydramatic Transmission Forward Control WA 31 32 36 3800 4000 t Thiftmaster 235 H D Clutch V 4000 6000 Loadmaster 235 U 4000 Loadmaster 235 with Hydramatic Transmission UD 6000 lobmaster 261 6 Cylinder 4 4 TA 31 32 36 3800 4000 8 Cylinder Regular 4 4 A 31 32 36 3800 4000 8 Cylinder Hydramatic Transmission 4 B W 31 32 36 3800 4000 8 Cylinder H D Clutch M 34 35 3700 8 Cylinder Forward Control 4 4 D 34 35 3700 4 8 Cylinder Forward Control Hydramatic 4 DA 34 35 3700 8 Cylinder Forward Control H D Clutch t DB A stamped following suffix when this engine is used in 3600 Series and B when used in 3800 Series and C if used in 4000 Series A stamped following suffix when this engine is used in 3600 Series and B if used in 3800 Series and C if used in 3100 and 3200 Series A stamped following suffix when this engine is used in 4000 Series Six cylinder and 8 cylinder are numbered separately with each type engine numbered in sequence starting with 0001001 F will designate Flint engine T will designate Tonawanda engine EXAMPLE I The 50th 2100 Series regular production 235 6 cylinder engine built at Flint carries Serial No 0001050 F56Z if built at Tonawanda 0001050 T56Z EXAMPLE II 0001025 F56U 0001025 F 56 U Serial Number Flint Plant 1956 Loadmaster 235 6000 Series 1 9 5 7 TYPE MODEL DESCRIPTION DESIGNATION 15 21 2400 Regular 235 6 cylinder A 15 21 2400 Regular 235 6 cylinder with H D Clutch AD 15 21 2400 235 6 cylinder Powerglide B 15 21 2400 265 8 cylinder with 3 Speed Transmission C 15 21 2400 265 8 cylinder with Overdrive CD 15 21 2400 265 8 cylinder with H D Clutch CE 12