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Parts and Illustration Catalog 30 March 1958
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Hexagon nut 8 915 Horn 1 r cl et 2 13 45 Housing instrument case 9 746 Hidem binding V 4 15 534 1 Hom button 2 131 7 l Housing License plate moisture Hidem binding clip 15 534 Horn button cop retainer 2 8120 l absorber 12 18i Hinge Back door 10 461 16 320 Hom Front spring 7 103 Housing Parking brake pedal shalt 4 648 Hinge bolt Auxiliary seat 16 674 Horn relay 2 815 Housing Parking lamp 2 586 Hinge bushing Door 10 464 l Hain wire assy 2 859 Housing Pitman shalt with Hinge Door ventilator 10 669 Hose Air cleaner to carb pipe 3 l I Y bushing 6 785 Hinge End gate 12 184 17 208 1 l lc se Air suspension 7 447 Housing Rear axle 5 387 Hinge End gate torque rod 12 184 l Hose Air suspension air I Housing tleor license plate 2 700 Hinge Folding seat 11 380 l ccinipressor oil supply 7 453 Housing Starting motor drive 2 085 Hinge Fldg top 14 310 Hose Air suspension pressure Y 4E5E i Q Housing Steering gear 6 803 Hinge Front door 10 450 10 454 16 320 l lose assy ir Cond Compressor 9 225 Housing Tail and stop Hinge Front seat 11 3513 i Hose assy Car evaporator 9 220 lamp 2 680 12 942 Hinge Hood panel 8 015 Hose clamp 1 ll5E S Housing Thermostat 1 251 Hinge Instr panel ccmpt i Hose Coolant bypass l 9Ti Housing Trans control 4038 Cl00r 10 262 16 115 E Hose Cowl ventilator Housing Trans hydraulic Hinge pillar to floor brace 12 65 9 drain 10 3441 16 127 modulator 4 2081 Hinge pin Door 10 466 16 323 Hasce Crankccise oil l 745 i Housing Vvfheel lack 7 678 Hinge pin Hood 8 016 l ltlase Defroster 9 779 l Hub assy Trans synchronizing 4 384 Hinge Quarter window 11 052 l liicziseze Evaporator air outlet 3 2 5 j Hub and grease cap 5 858 Hinge Rear compartment lid 12 184 lH s 2e Ev operator air return 9 2 59 Hub bolts 5 812 Hinge Hear door 10 4156 10 460 i Hose Evaporator and heater Hub bolt nut 5 813 Hinge sleeve Auxiliary seat 16 674 l acizess 9 1211 l Hub bushing Torque converter Hinge Stake and sign board gate 17 524 3 Hose Flexible gasoline 3 163 cover 4 115 Hinge Windshield frame 16 020 Hose Flclq top motor to oper valve l4 4 72 Hub crap gasket 5 866 Hold down bolt 9 008 l Hose Fresh air inlet 9 254 Hub cap lock spring 5 864 Holder Fuel injector metering 3 332 l Hose Fuel injector 31330 Hub clamp ring Front 6 308 Holder Starting motor brush 2 052 Hose Fuel injector air cleaner 3 417 Hub Front wheel 6 307 Hood bumper 8 024 Hose Gas tank filler neck 3 013 Hub or drum oil dellector Front 6 323 Hood catch assembly 8 028 Hose Heater 8 846 Hub Pulley 1 062 Hood catch bracket 8 007 Hose Heater and defrosler airflow 9 786 Hub Rear wheel 5 806 Hood catch control rod and tube 8 075 Hose Hydraulic brake 4 880 Hub Trans clutch drive 4 164 4 186 Hood catch control rocil tube pcirts 8 077 Hose Radiator inlet 1 159 Hub Trans front drive ring gear 4 158 Hood catch lock plate Hose Radiator outlet 1 1539 l 1733 Hydraulic brake connectors 4 686 bolt spring ret 8 085 Hose Radiator overflow l 240 Hydraulic brake cyl spacer 4 686 Hood catch lock plate spring 8 081 Hose Rear brake air E5 lOO Hydraulic brake cleclene lluid Hood Call 1 Od guide 3033 Hose Rear quarter ventilator 1 lub 4 683 Hood Clutch pedal pull back sprgu 0 846 md b Cl Window Clrllili 10 997 l Hydraulic brake main cylinder Hood emblem 3055 Hase Riibbezr 8 96 2 ssy 4 650 Hood emblem 1 eyeliner 3 55 Hose Strg gear pressure Gi Hydraulic brake main cyl valve 4 657 I god hinge cowl llgyqckgl bolt 8 O16 Wtlll 1 1 6 6YO 6 671 Hydraulic brake pipe assy 4 685 Hood hinge pin 3 015 3 Hlnse Tilansmission oil cooler 4 g 28 Hydraulic brake shoe link 5 036 Hood hinge gpnnq ind b q kg 1 H 5 Vac bI Gk9 CYl1Ild 1 4 l3l HydI 1ul1C 1 IlOd11l 1tOl p1StO 1 Hood ledge COW mi Squ k 912 Hose Vcic brake cyl air cleaner 4 913 I Hydraulic strg adapter bushing Hood Guyer moulding und pmt 3 j 5 Hose Vcic gear shift bc c ste r 41 146 plate 6 554 Hcod lgwgy Catch plat l 8 Q Q l Hose Vacuum pump 3 9 0 1 Hydraulic strg adapter safety Hood Hume pklte nut V g 4 Hose Vcic shift selector valve 5 638 plug 6 560 Hood Ornament 3 O5 5 l Hose unit Evaporator 91 220 Hydraulic strg adapter stop Hood pcm baffle and seq 3 1 H01 water heater 8 845 Y screw 6 560 Hood pqyigl bracket 8 5 Housing Air suspension air 7 455 Hydraulic strg control relief I OOC pm le hjng and parts 8 5 V Housing Assy Cigarette 9 709 valve 6 553 Hood panel mich he plate 8 O lQ Housing assy Frt prop shaft 5 435 1 Hvdraulic strg control valve Hood side mldg bolt 8 016 l Housing assy W S wiper motor lCl l 50 l uSl 1iHq 6 552 H00d Sidi 11 1m9 Pl l9 8 039 Housing Carb choke thezrm conll 3 i SO l H3 dmuhC Sirs Hillel V lV H00 l uPP01 l 1 0d bf l t 8 013 Housing Carburetor governor 3 870 plug V i 6 554 Hood tOp II lOl1ldi1 lq t Slt 1 I Hlgugimql C yb piimp wv ig 4 3 fl4i l I H 0d YOD punel A 8 000 l Housing Clock Qnll 72 H d IOP P l m0 ldi J 8 015 l Housing Clutch and flywheel Ci l 8El l H00d HPPQX c tch Pl l 8 083 l Hoiising Diaphragm vac shift EE l 35 i k n I i rOnt axle Aiii l A i V H k C 15388 l Hlwinqr D r S l w l l 10 551 l Inninnn distributor n n n 2 361 Horn 4 2 8 0 Hoi is ing End gate hinge 17 2C B lqnition keys 2 187 HOW QSSY C 1 b Gif 3 730 l Hcmisingy Frt door lock cvl 1Cl 5 l5 2 lanition lock 2 188 HOIH lDlOWiI1q Cdp 2 8 7 Housing Fuel injector cold lajnition lock indicator dial 2 198 Horn blowing cap 81 ring enrichment El YEO i lqnition switch 2 188 conn insulator 2 819 i Housing Gas tank filler nompta 12 5944 lqnition switch cylinder 2 188 Hom blowing ring bumper 2 837 I l c i is inq Gecirshift control shaft 4l Zi 22Z Ignition switch mounting plate 2 192 Hom blowing ring cushion spring 2 816 I l oi isinq Headlamp El 130 lqnition wire 2 525 H0 1 1 blOWiI1g 1 inq unit 2 830 Hmis irig Heater core ELQEZES4 l lmilution leather 15 506 16 760 REVISED JANUARY l 1959 33