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Parts and Illustration Catalog 30 March 1958 |
TRIM COMB INA TI I N CHART NOTE It trim is not listed under group in which it is used reler to yardage material group 15 500 comb 1947 comb 1951 Cont No Material Mlodtolls N0 Ma ler1a1 Modek 129 G h Tan Pile Fabric 1200 exc Sdl 2102 Ton Imitation Leather Sta Wag 130 GI 1Btriped Pile Fabric 101 il 19 27 27B 1 72 Grey Imitation Leather Taxi Cab 131 Tan Novelty Bedford Cord 101 1 19 27 2lB 1952 132 Tan Striped Fabric 1007 69 137 B1 e Grev 1mit 1i Le 1h f 11 2 10 Light Grey Pattern Cloth 1200 exc Sdl 143 Ten 1 e 111e1 C m 211 I ig 11t Grey Chevron Cloth 1000 exc Conv B A g11 1eL1 eiL11eY 8 Dark Grey Broadcloth Sta Wag e ea er 1 146 Ten 1 e 11 1e1 C n1 212 Light Blue Chevron Cloth 1000 exc Conv B A g11 leL1 eeHlhe1 I a1rk Blue Broadcloth Sta Wag e ea er 149 T 1mi1 1 1 1 Ste 1 21 1 1 10111 amen Chevron Cloth 1000 exc Conv 12 11 Sta Wag 1948 224 T a11 and Brown Leather Conv 137 B1 e Black Imitation Leather Sdl 225 lllecl Leather Conv 144 Blhe Leather Conv 226 Light and Dark Green Leather Conv 145 Red Leather Corww 227 Light and Dark Blue Leather Conv 149 Tan Imitation Leather Sta ag 229 Black Leather Conv 150 Gray Striped Pile Fabric 121 l 19 27 27B 234 Tan Leather Brown Cloth Bel Air 151 Tan Striped Pile Fabric 101 1 19 27 235 Real Leather Grey Cloth Bel Air 152 Tan Novelty Bedford Cord 101 14 19 27 1211 19 27 236 Green Leather Green Cloth Bel Air 2713 237 Blue Leather Blue Cloth Bel Air 153 Tan Striped Fabric 1007459 239 Black Leather Grey Cloth Bel Air 155 Green Leather Conv 240 VVhite Leather Coral Cloth Bel Air mlm 216 Dark Grey Imitation Leather Sdl 218 Tan Imitation Leather Sta Wag 156 Tan Striped Pile Fabric 1200 exo Sdl 214 GNN 11 1t t10 1 t1 1er Taxi Cab 157 Tan Striped Pile Fabric 1007 8 1 1 27 69 158 Tan Striped Cloth 1007 B 1 1 27 69 1953 160 Red 1 e h r C 141 1 10111 amy Dmk Grey 161 Blue Leather Conv jp tt Cyl th 1 OO 162 Green Leather Conv 1 ern O OW g G i A COHv Sm 163 Brown Imitation Leather Sdl 242 Light B uB D rk Blue 166 Brown Imitation Leather Sta WGQL Pattern Cloth IOOO ext Cgnvq t 167 Black Leather Conv Wag B A 1950 243 Light Green Darl Green Pattern Cloth 1000 C St 170 amy Striped Cloth 1200 em Sdl w g 1 iA 171 Grey Striped Broadcloth 1000 exc Conv B A 244 Light Tan Brown 172 Imitation Leather 1269 Taxi Cab Pattern Cloth 1000 exc Conv Sta 175 Red Leather Grey Pile Cord Conv Wag B A 176 GrgendLeather Grey Pile C 249 Light Grey Pattern Cloth 1200 exc Sta Wag or 0111 1 Sdl 177 Blue Leather Grey Pile Cord Conv 245 Light Grey Ladder Pattern 179 Blc ck g eather Grey Pile C 74 T A 15 P iH 510111 1011 WD 1069 WD 185 R d f 0m 0wy Pile 0010 B E li0 I1l1ilPl it1SC lB1llii r P 1011 WD 1000 WD 186 G1EendLeather Grey Pile B ll A 247 Light Green Ladder Pattern or e 1 ir 61 Pla n Cl th 1011 WD 1069 WD 187 Blue Leather Grey Pile Cord Bel Air 248 Light Tdn Lactider Pattern 189 Black Leather Grey Pile Ei Plain Cloth 1011 WD 1069 WD Cord Bel Air 954 Light Tan Pattern Cloth t 195 Red Leather Ta Bedford Tan Imitation Leather 1037 D Cord Conv 56 Light Green Pattern Cloth 1037 D 196 GrCeendLeather Tan Bedford C Light Green Imitation Leather or vim t B1 P tt C1 th 197 Blue Leather Tan Bedford 257 Bltlg Irr Iit II6n Lceather 1037 D COTC1 C 1 1V 258 Yellow White Pattern Cloth 103 1 D 199 B1 EckCLeather Tan Bedford C E Zvttjtg Imitation Leather or errv C 11 k Wlrt P tt C1 tb 163 Brown Imitation Leather Sdl 25 J Imitatign I7eclEt1lI1er O 1037 D 166 Brown Imrtatron Leather Stu W eq 1284 ZBrr wn Tan Imitation Leather 1067 1951 2285 1Hed Imitation Leather 1067 1286 Dark Green Light Green 200 Grey Striped Cloth 1200 exc Sdl Imitation Leather 1067 201 Grey Striped Broadcloth 1000 exc Conv B A Sta 287 Dark Blue Light Blue Wcig Imitation Leather 1067 205 Red Leather Co nv 264 Brown Tan Imitation Leather 1067 D 206 Green Leather Conir 265 Bed White Imitation Leather 1067 D 207 Blue Leather gozrnr 266 Dctrk Green Light Green 209 Black Leather any mitation Leather 1067 D 185 Red Leather Grey Pile Cord Bel Air 1267 Dark Blue Light Blue 186 Green ea hev Grey B A 268 Y Imitation Leather 1067 D Pile or e ir ellow Wh t K 187 Bl1 e1Li 1th er Grey B A 26q Bllmhtatt c n Leeather 1067 D ie or e ir 1 0 ac hite 189 Blclgik I eagrer Grey B A 278 B lmitatgon Leather 1067 D 1 e or e ir I eige 163 Brown Imitation Leather Sdll linitatichil I Ieather 1062 1062 F 1 373