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Chassis and Body Parts Catalog P&A 72TL May 1979 Transmission - Brakes ->
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I I V I970V lhrUiI972 V I VV 3 V V I VEHICLE SERIAL NUMBER IDENTIFICATION V I V I V V A combination Vehicle Identification and Rating Plate is used on all V I I I V 1970VVthrough 1973 Chevrolet trucks It is attached to the left hand V V door pillar on 10 Series Step Van 7 models and most other models I I Cowl models have their plates attached to the air intake plenum r I panel Step Van models except 10 Series models have their plates M V attached to the inside face of the and toe panel i M V VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION AND RATING PLATE I I V cncvnotsr Moron Division I I I V oeuenn morons conwonanou r wArmAmv MAv ee voineo IF wlzionr V V rimcusos mv or me nnmos snown V V I cnoss vwicie wsicm mctuues wzicm or I A V msu muon Ali mum eouwuzm umven V mu iassenczns Ann ALL pnopemv iomeo mm TRUCK U I I nm vo ownzns Mmun ron scum I Mem naoumsc ron imcameouuz on V Minimum cvw mmues me ron owen V GROSS VEHICLE WEIGHT Lmomo mronunnori mcwomc rms As manufactured and INHHION RATINGS IN POUNDS V V I maxi iu Icapabilily V V I II E 6 c I YN rixour mini weren I V I V I tu d d V V ss2i mz s 2E IZ I3 V i Z I Z I i V V V V V V i 2 S2SL 5 VI U inane zu wmaar V V MAXIMUM REM END s manu actured and L V M V wsicm AT anemia I V 1 maximum cupabimy E E I ioemmcnoon no I V COPO IDENTIFICATION V A V I VEHICLE Wh PP l b U V Vlpgumplgnmgu Series 10 30 I I g I V V 1970 Series 10 30 vehicle serial numbers areinterpreted as shown V I I wow A V Example CS130F 100043 indicates that a 1970 Model CS10703 was V the 43rd unitbuilt at Flint V I C S V 1 3 0 F I 100043 I V vehicle type Q I I I V Engine type I M GVW range I I V Model type see code below I I Model year I I V V V Assembly plant see code below I Vehicle identification number I V V I Model Code I I V V Assembly Plant Code V 2 Chassis Cowl Bus 5 Panel A Atlanta N Norvvood 3 Chassis Cab 6 Carryall B BaItimore I P Pontiac 4 Pickup V A F F iI t S St Louis V Z Fremont T Tarrytown 2 J Janesville 1 haw I I GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CHEVROLET 7V2T L