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COMMONLY USED AND RECOMMENDED PHRA ES DECZODIN EEi TABULATION Confinued TS1 Material shipped cannot cancel as requested XLPOG 505 The above amlourlts include previous amounts 52 Complete information will be forwarded XILPOM allowed 4 XLOSO 353 Last shipment received XLPOP 506 Dealers will he rebated on stock on hand as of 357 Invoices being air mailed as requested XLPOU date XLOSD 358 Invoices will be mailed special delivery day 507 No rebate allowed on dealer s stocks XLOSU following dispatch of carload XLPOC 508 Advertising and used car disposal will apply XLOSC 368 Advise Body Style Trim Paint Comb num 509 Advertising and used car disposal will not bers for parts your order XLPDC apply XLOST 369 Materials at seaboard XLPDT 510 OK to inccreruse order to minimum 370 Via carload freight XILPUS buy amount XLOGS 371 Wire part number XLPUG 511 Cancel following items our order If 372 Advise car and engine number for parts your dispatched give us authority to return XLOGG order number XILPUM 512 Add to our cirtler the following parts 373 Advise body and job numbers for parts your If already dispatched ship additional parts order XLPUP against baek order XLOGNI 374 Job and body number do not agree witlh 513 Change our order to read as follows XLOGP engine number XLPUR 514 Change shipping instructions on our order 375 Give immediate attention to l XLPU0 to read XLOGR 376 Taking necessary action Will advise you im 515 Cancel dealer billing reconsign to Zone ware mediately of any definite developments XLPUD house and rzharge Zone stock l XLOGO 377 Please rush blue print XLPUU 516 Substitute wlzuere possible XLOGD 378 Please rush vandyke XLPUC 517 Incorrect parts received on our order XLOGU 379 Same as except XLPUT 518 lVire whether necessary to reoperate stock 380 is obsolete The preferred substitute is X LPCS on hand l XLOGC 381 G M Standards Book Vol I XLPCG 519 Advise which is eorrect XLOGT 382 G M Standards Book Vol II XILPCM 520 Show on your invoices the same description 383 G M Standards Book Vol III XlI PCP of parts as shown on our order XLONIS 384 G M Standards Book Vol IV XI PCR 521 Four cars to load XLOMG 385 No record part number XLPC0 522 Cannot suppl ff color requested XLOMM 386 The following part numbers XI PCD 523 Send in following dealers to road XLOMP 387 Wire list price of part number Xl PCU 524 Advise terms of payments XLOMR 388 Wire net price of part number XLPCC 525 Advise additional model to make load for XLONI0 389 Wire list price and boxing charges of part 526 If not shipperzl this month reinstate for next number XLPCT mozuth XLONID 390 Wire net price and boxing charges of part 530 Today for clearance on ship sailing XLOPS number XIl PTS 531 Tomorrow for clearance on ship sailing XLOPG 391 Wire approval for uncertified check on XLPTG 532 Day after iiomorrow for clearance on ship 392 Accept uncertified check on X LPTM sailing XLOPM 393 Wire billing prices QXLLPTP 533 Necessary to lliave partial shipment at least XLOPP 194 Price information requested not available 534 Your allowable preference due at factory XLOPR until before XI PTR 538 Shipped from storage XLOPC 395 Wire boxes and weight XLPTO 539 Shipped from regular production XLOPT 396 Addition to schedule XLPTD 540 Shipped via National Carloading XLORS 397 Part number requested by wire for is XLPTU 541 Shipped via Universal Carloading XLORG 400 Inspection rejecting XILRSS 542 Shipped by parcel post special delivery XLORM 405 Mailing inventory loss XI RSO 550 Shipping via National Carloading XLOOS 408 Needed to finish XLRSC 551 Shipping via lljniversal Carloading XLOOG 409 Parts not released for service use XLRST 552 Shipping by parcel post special delivery 410 Released for emergency use only XLRGS today XLOOM 411 Released for Canada only XILRGG 553 Shipping parcel post today XLOOP 412 Released for Export only XLIRGNI 554 Hold until further advised XLOOR 413 Stock exhausted use XLRGP 555 If material is already shipped XL000 450 Engineering Standards Sub Committee XLROS 556 l Iaterial reqnired to complete present sched 451 Metallurgical Sub Committee XILROG ule or schedulle number XLOOD 452 Non Productive Materials Sub Committee XLROM 557 ll Iaterial urgently required XLOOU 453 Tool Standards Sub Committee XLROP 558 Required at Valkerville not Oshawa XLOOC 460 Refer to interdepartmental shipper XLRDS 559 If unable to on 1ply with this request wire 461 Refer to receiving slip number ZKILRDG reply immediately If no reply received by 462 Refer to Parts Release and Change Notice 3 o clock will assume you are meeting re No I lRDM quest XLOOT 463 Refer to Dealer Service Department Bulletin XLRDP 560 Do not mail or send by parcel post XLODS 464 Refer to Product Information General Letter QXLRDR 561 VVire shippi n gggg preference XLODG 465 Refer to our requisition number XLRDO 562 Carload held up for XLODNI 466 Refer to your requisition number XLRDD 563 Unable to sujgitlply XLODP 467 Refer your request for quotation number or 564 Three cars to a load XLODR date XLRDU 565 Ship balance of order by truck or transport 471 Advise your order number with which follow today XLODO ing orders are packed X L RUG 566 Ship balance of order by freight today XLODD 472 Wire weights and dimensions our order XLRUM 567 ll ailing sche ul today XLODU 491 Mail special delivery corrected invoices our 568 Cannot locatr shipment of XLODC order XXLRTG 569 Are you sh ijpjg ing today as promised XLODT 500 Following orders overdue advise dispatch 570 Shipment helrl in bond XLOUS dates XILOSS 571 Your name of report report not received 501 Believe net weights incorrect advise correct advise XLOUG weights XLOSG 572 Vire lbilling price and content data on XLOUM 502 Reduction in list price effective date XlL OSM 573 Afiidavits wil ll be forwarded to you XLOUP 503 Increase in list price effective date XILOSP 574 Customs invoice received not complete XLOUR 504 No increase in list price being made XLOSR 575 Certificate form l I A not signed XLOUO 483 a 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