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Parts and Accessories Catalog 78TM September 1982 |

FRONT AXLE STEERING 50 60 65 6 000 AXLE FRONT 1 0010 Con t 2015319 CE ME SE Complete W Air 9000 Frt Truck AxIe Std CG Inc 9000 Springs 12 Inch Brake Chambers 5 5 Inch Slack Adjusters ME w 12 Cu Ft Belt Driven Air Comp and Power trg For Sewice Use 2015503 Axle Asm Eft w 1977 1978 0pt W 20 x 7 5 22 5 x 7 5 Frt Demountable Rims w Std Frt Wheels 20 x 6 5 20 x 7 20 x 7 5 Demountable Rims 5 Deg 20 x 7 Demountable Rims on Std Cast Steel WheeIs SE w Std Frt Wheels 2015321 CE ME Comp ete W Air 9000 Tractor w 9000 Springs Brake Control Semi TraiIer ME w Power Strg For Service Use 2015507 Axle Asm Eff w 1977 1978 0pt W 20 x 7 5 22 5 x 7 5 Frt Demountable Rims w Std Frt Wheels 20 x 6 5 20 x 7 20 x 7 5 Demountable Rims 5 Deg 2O x 7 Demountable Rims on Std Cast Steel Wheels 2015331 CE ME CompIete W Air 9000 Frt Tractor Axle W 20 x 7 5 10 Stud 11 25 BC Budd Type Mtg For Service Use 2015507 Axle Asm EH w 1977 1978 Opt W 20 x 7 20 x 7 5 10 Stud 11 25 BC BS Type Mtg 20 x 7 20 x 7 5 10 Stud 11 25 BC BS Type Mtg 5 Deg 1978 0pt W 20 x 7 20 x 7 5 10 Stud 11 25 BC BS Type Mtg 20 x 7 20 x 7 5 10 Stud 11 25 BC BS Type Mtg 5 Deg 720047 TE W Air 9000 Cap Frt AxIe W 9000 Springs 20 Inch Brake Chambers and 5 Inch Slack Adjusters W AC Wheel Lock ControI W out Power Strg 1975 2nd Design 76 720048 TE W Air 9000 Cap Frt Ax e W 9000 Springs I 20 Inch Brake Chambers and 5 5 Inch Slack Adjusters W AC Wheel Lock ControI W out Power trg 1975 2nd Design 76 2001830 TE W Air 9000 Cap Frt Tractor AxIe W 9000 Springs 20 Inch Brake Chambers and 5 Inch Slack Adjusters Incl Power Strg W AC Wheel Lock ControI 1975 2nd Design 76 2001831 TE W Air 9000 Cap Frt AxIe W 9000 Springs 20 Inch Brake Chambers and 5 5 Inch Slack Adjusters Incl Power Strg W AC Wheel Lock ControI 1975 2nd Design 76 2002066 TE W Air 9 00O Cap Frt Axle W 9 0O0 Springs 20 Inch Brake Chambers and 5 5 Inch Slack Adjusters W Eaton Wheel Lock ControI W out Power Strg Eff w 1975 2nd Design 76 2002067 TE W Air 9 00O Cap Frt Tractor Axle W 9 000 Springs 20 Inch Brake Chambers and 5 Inch Slack Adjusters W Brake Control Semi TraiIer W Eaton Wheel Lock ControI W out Power Strg Eff w 1975 2nd Design 76 I 2002070 TE W Air 9 O00 Frt Tractor Axle w 9 000 Springs 20 Inch Brake Chambers and 5 Inch Slack Adjusters Brake Control Semi TraiIer IncI Power Strg W Eaton Wheel Lock ControI Eff w 1975 2nd Design 76 2002071 TE W Air 9 000 Frt Axle W 9 000 Springs 2O Inch Brake Chambers and 5 5 Inch Slack Adjusters IncI Power Strg W Eaton Wheel Lock ControI Eff w 1975 2nd Design 76 2015518 TE W Air 9000 Frt Tractor Axle IncI 9000 Springs Brake Control Semi TraiIer W 17121 17221 18121 23221 Rear AxIe W out Power Strg Eff w 1977 I 2015544 TE W AIr 9000 Frt Tractor Ax e IncI 9000 Springs Brake Control Semi TraiIer W 17121 17221 18121 23221 Rear AxIe IncI Power Strg Eff w 1977 t WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION 78TM N S reference only Added this issue 6 9 6 000 6 000 AR PART