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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1966 |
THREE SPEED TRANSMISSION 7 6 the mainshaft until it bottoms out Both synchronizer 13 Press the rear bearing and retainer assembly onto assemblies used in this transmission are identical rear of the mainshaft so the chamfered retainer CAUTION Be sure the notches of the blocker 14 id QS town th g 2u s h ft Th ring align with the keys of the synchronizer usa rear Barmg O mams BZ Snap rmg ls completes the assembly of the mainshaft assembly 4 Install synchronizer hub to mainshaft snap ring TRANSMISSION Both synchronizer snap rings are identical Turn the rear of the mainshaft upward Install the ASSEMBLY OF CASE COMPONENTS t f 1 1O i1iOI S ni tOnS 1 1 aggilgafwith clutching teeth 1 Using Tool J T 22246 load a row of roller bearings 27 upward the front face of the gear will butt against and a bearmg thrust Washer at each enc Of the On the mamshaftl countergear Use heavy grease to hold them in place 6 Install a blocker ring with clutching teeth downward hg 7A Over synchronizing Surface Of the first speed gear 2 Place countergear assembly through case rear open 7 Install the first and reverse synchronizer assembly mg along Wlth 3 tanged thgust Washer tang away with fork Smt downward press it Onto splines On the from gear at each end and install countergear shaft mamshafu and woodruff key from rear of case CAUTION Be sure the notches of the blocker CAUTIQNZ ring align vqth the keys of the synchronizer w1th their notches in the case g lhstall SynchrOniZ r huh to malhshuft Snap ring 3 Install reverse idler gear thrust washer gear and 9 Install reverse gear with clutching teeth downward Shaft with its Weedmff key from thc rcar of casc l lhslsll rsvsrss goal thrust washer stooll Be sure the thrust washer is between the gear and 11 Install rsvsrss goal Spring washer rear of case with its tang toward notch in case Do 12 Using snap ring pliers expand the rear bearing not install idler Shaft MEN ring Yct retainer snap ylhg and assembly roar hoarlhg lhto 4 Load the two rows of mainshaft pilot bearings 74 its rstslhsr so tho bosrlhg shop rlhg groove ls into the clutch gear cavity and assemble the 3rd toward the chamfered edge of the retainer Be sure Speed blockcr ring cmc thc clutch gcc clutching to seat the retainer snap ring into the bearing Surface with its tccth tcwcrc the gcac grooVo 5 Pilot the clutch gear pilot bearings and 3rd speed blocker ring assembly over the front of the main shaft assembly Do not assemble bearing to gear yet CAUTION Be sure the notches in the blocker Eg V T ring ahgn with the keys in the 2 3 synchronizer uuht rl lglo K V assem y AA 6 FI 0m the rear of the case assemble the clutch gear and mainshaft into the case as an assembly and in L stall the rear bearing retainer strap and bolt to g c Yf ci CRSG fig 2A W l f j 7 Install front bearing outer snap ring to bearing and position bearing over hub of clutch gear and into I front case bore i i l h c 8 Install snap ring to clutch gear hub and clutch gear i uzsh I bearing retainer and gasket to case uuuul NOTE The retainer oil return hole should be at the bottom 9 Install reverse idler gear retainer E ring to shaft Be sure thrust washer tang engages notch in case g 10 Install selector shaft and shift finger so the 90 llll finger projection is facing clutch gear end of l transmission 11 Shift synchronizer sleeves to neutral positions and install cover gasket and fork assembly to case Be sure forks align with their synchronizer sleeve grooves and selector finger with shifter heads Fig 7A Loc1ding Countergecr Bearings Using Tool J 22246 12 Tighten 3 bolts to specified tOI q 1 CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL SUPPLEMENT