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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1966 |

section moisx cznmi mronmriou Ann iusmcnnou C H E T H mom susrmsiou nm susmisiou C O RVAI R CHASSIS H BRAK ES SHOP MANUAL II suppusmswr ml AIR mizcnou mcron svsrzm 6Y mom ziccrmcm Fomswono 7 musmissiou ciurcn This supplement has been prepared for use with the AND CONTROLS 1965 Corvair Chassis Shop Manual and covers service information peculiar to the 1967 Corvair Fun TANK AND EXHAUST Summaries of Special Tools when required are found SYSTEM NO CHANGE at the end of major sections while Specifications covering i1i ei components are presented at the rear of the STEERING All information illustrations and specifications con tained in this literature are based on the latest product information available at the time of publication approval WI IEEI S AND TIRES The right is reserved to make changes at any time without notice m sum mam aonv Ann cuiissis nrcrnicm m numrzns ci usvnousr Moron Division General Motors Corporation HEATER AND DETROIT MICHIGAN ACCESSORIES svnciricmous IQ66 Printed in U S A GeneraI Motors Corporation