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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1965 |
THREE SPEED TRANSMISSION 7 6 the mainshaft until it botto1ns out Both synchronizer 13 Press the rear bearing and retainer assembly onto assemblies used in this transmission are identical rear of the mainshaft so the chamfered retainer edge is toward the gears C AUTlON 5I2 14 Install rear bearing to mainshaft snap ring This ring align with the keys of the synchronizer completes the assembly of the mainshaft assembly 4 Install svnchronizer hub to mainshaft snap ring TRANSMISSION S Both synchronizer snap rings are identical Turn the rear of the mainshaft upward Install the ASSEMBLY OF CASE COMPONENTS following components on the mainshaft 2 7 5 Install the mst speed gear with ciuthhthg teeth I gaT 1 i 522ig filgggejfxujgcgeigggjfithg upward the front face of the gear will butt against Counter Gar 5 heav grease to hold them in place i the flange on the mainshaft f 7A y 6 Install a blocker ring with clutching teeth downward 2 Pg e C unter ear assembl throu h Case mar O en over synchronizing surface of the first speed gear in km wig 3 tan Gd glmst iasher tan gwa 7 Install the first and reverse synchronizer assembly f g 3 g t ch gd d hstau counter Gai Shag with fork slot downward press it onto splines on the aI 1II v uff3k efr0l III 9 I O Case g mainshaft y CAUTION B ure the notches Of the blocker CAUTION Be sure countershaft picks up both ring ahgh HE thrust washers and that the tangs are aligned ei h assembly with their notches 1n t e case 8 Install synchronizer hub to mainshaft snap ring 3 IIISIIIII IIQVQISQ idler gear fhmst WeSII II gear IIIICI 9 Install reverse gear with clutching teeth downward ghaft WIII h Itih W 2dI IIIIhkey IIgn the Iglar of caee 10 Install reverse gear thrust washer steel e Sure e IIIIS was er IS e Ween Q gear an 11 Install reverse eee Spring Weeheh rear of case with its ting toward notch 1n case Do 12 Using snap ring pliers expand the rear bearing Het IIISIIIII IIIIGII Shaft E II YeI t b 74 retainer snap ring and assembly rear bearing into 4 Lgadtghe awe gews OI IIIIIEISIIII fi IIIIO IEEIIIIEIS 3 3 its retainer so the bearing snap ring groove is me e Cue gear CIIVIY an eesem e e I toward the chamfered edge of the retainer Be sure Speed bIO eI e I Igmih emo 2Ieh Clutch gear clulchmg to et the t s r into the bearing Sur eee W1 IS ee OWZIII egeae gmos V re emma nap mg 5 Pilot the clutch gear pilot bearings and 3rd speed I blocker ring assembly over the front of the main shaft assembly Do not assemble bearing to gear yet CAUTION Be sure the notches in the blocker e V in ring align with the keys in the 2 3 synchronizer N I M Ei 9mb y t 6 From the rear of the case assemble the clutch gear 9 Hd m21iHSh21ft into the Case as an assembly and in I n I stall the rear bearing retainer strap and bolt to r i l t T me wg ZM e 7 Install front bearing outer snap ring to bearing and position bearing over hub of clutch gear and into eg front case bore epp l 8 Install snap ring to clutch gear hub and clutch gear I p e I bearing retainer and gasket to case III I NOTE The retainer oil return hole should be i at the bottom 9 Install reverse idler gear retainer E ring to shaft Be sure thrust washer tang engages notch in W case et 10 Install selector shaft and shift finger so the 90 g finger projection is facing clutch gear end of I transmission e 11 Shift synchronizer sleeves to neutral positions and install cover gasket and fork assembly to case Be W sure forks align with their synchronizer sleeve grooves and selector finger with shifter heads Fig 7A Lc ding Countergeor Beorings Using Tool J 22246 12 Tighten all bolts to specified tOI que CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL SUPPLEMENT