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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1965 |
AIR INJECTOR REACTOR SYSTEM 6T 5 L PRESSURE n L A RELIEF L VALVE E I R SEL E i L V L I iini vV L VV V j f M E E L E i SRSEEE VV ci ziifig SSLE E Vi V V I w V V VV V V A Vii A SVVV V V V V ERRE A Vt S E V A ES E REVE V A PRESSURE ERSV ZS V V it V V V nge v V R a g V I E AEM VVE A A z V V I v VV V VE E Y V z V VV V V V VV V V VV V I V I I V VV E VV V V V VV Vv V V R V V VV EE V V I VVS V I Ezx E K V V V VVV V VSV VVEV VVV I ESE VV VVV E E E S V V i RE VVV VV V VV V VV E VVVS I ESSSE VVVI V V VVE I V EVS V SEVR R V V E SEEV V V V 5 v E1 V V V EVE I V S S V Svv S S EE V g S V V 5 EEE VSEE SVI V E V V Vy V I V LSL 3 j I V F VVA L VVV YYJYV VV V V 3 S V if A M PRESSURE EEV Fig 7 Installing Pressure Relief V Ive TUBE ga r r RGPIGCBITIQHI V 1 Using an adjustable wrench and a hammer tap relief V valve from the left tube being careful to support tube sufficiently to prevent distortion fig 6 F 6 R P R IV f V Ig Emovmg ressure E Ie Give 2 Using a 15 16 socket tap the relief valve into tube NOTE The Air Injection Reactor System is until the valve shoulders on the tube fig 7 not completely noiseless Under normal condi CAUTION Use extreme care to avoid dis tions noise rises in pitch as engine speed in torting tube creases To determine if excessive noise is the fault of the Air Injection Reactor System operate the engine with the pump drive belt removed If excessive noise does not exist with the belt removed proceed as follows Check for a seized Air Injection Pump LEGS LOCK QN t V L VLVLATZL 0 Ch Ck hoses tubes and all connections for leaks INSIDE SURFACE I VVAL and proper routing L V r L L K L y Check carburetor air cleaner for proper installation Q r Check air injection pump for proper mounting y L 1 0 If none of the above conditions exist and the air in I L JV jection pump has excessive noise remove then repair Q V as t1i d S f r s V IVVE V V Vrle t i A Sesssr i Replucement g V Vg Disconnect the iI l1 t hose and outlet tubes at the rr ik VLK jjij Pump V V VVVV V swine Remove pump pulley as outlined PLUG o i P Remove pump mounting bolts and remove pump ax Install pump with mounting bolts loose V Install pump pulley as outlined L PRESSURE U IHSL211 and adjust belt as outlined 32 5 V VVVV V V RELIEF VALVE Connect the outlet tubes and inlet hose at the pump SID ER 25O 292 CORVAIR BLUE G IO PRIESSURE RELIEF VALVE Insypeciicra Check for a leaky pressure relief valve Air may be heard leaking with the pump running Fig 8 Pressure Setting Plug CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL SUPPLEMENT