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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1965 |

The 1966 Ceeveir medele Wm eemem beeieeuy the same as 1965 except for minor styling changes and product improvements o pi eiisoiee Lubrication information for the 1966 Corvair win rrp eor p geees p I eie 1e remain the same as outlined in Section 0 ofthe 1965 e I 1 epro orii A Corvair Chassis Sho Manual exce t as noted A E i i I wi 1 I A 7 1 1 1 I 1 1 i ioeeeo I MGDEI IDENTIFICATION r T 7 oree r 1 6 I T1r e i T 11 1 T r e e V J I Series Model Number Description 111 1 1 1 I 11 F e e 1 T r T 10139 4 Door Sport sedan A 1111 g 1g1 6 P SSe g r 11 11 T 1 r 111 r 1 1 eI Standard 10137 2 Door Sport Coupe 1 4 Passenger 11 1 e 10539 4 Door Sport Sedan g 10537 2 Door Sport Coupe Fig I Three ond Four Speed Tronsmission Monza 4 paSS ng I Unit Number Sltcimped on Boss on L H Siole 10567 2 DOOI Convertible of Transmission be ow R H Lower Corner of Cover 4 Passenger 10737 2 Door Sport Coupe 4 Passenger TOWING THE I966 CORVAIR Cmsa 10767 2 Door Convertible 4 P The 1966 Corvair can be towed safely at speeds up to assenger 55 MPH with a tow bar using the sling principle as il lustrated in Figures 2 and 3 However severe damage to the body rear sheet metal the engine exhaust system and the engine cooling air VEHICLE DIMENSIONS exhaust duct work may result if care is not exercised while placing the tow bar or towing the vehicle with a 4 DO0r 2 Door 2 DOOT tgxmbgg not incorporating the sling and cross bar Model Sport Sedan Sport Coupe Ccmvertlble The rear of the vehicle can be raised without damaging Length the suspension components or the body using the following procedure Overall 183 3 183 3 183 3 Width Overall Body 69 8 B9 8 69 8 g Height Overall 52 7 52 8 53 0 7 K 2 Wheelbase 108 108 108 iiiii I ii r r i I ii if Tread 1 1111 an f Front 55 0 55 0 55 0 j Tread 1r 5 1 1 Rear 56 6 56 6 56 6 J 4 1 Curb Approximately 2597 lbs I 11 I Tr gl Q Weight 4 Dr Sport Sedan 1 1 Vg I H r 1 111 err r t r 1 1T 1 I in 7 11 II1 1 A 1 is UNIT AND SERIAL NUMBERS et t T I The body identification tag has been relocated to the A right of the engine mount instead of the left The new I 4 location of the three and four speed transmissions source data code is shown on Figure 1 Fig 2 Towing Sling Attoehment CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL SUPPLEMENT