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Parts and Illustration Catalog P&A 14Y January 1985
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ALPHABETICAL INDEX ROTOR Front and Rear Wheel Brake 5 809 S SCREW Differential Carrier 5 506 SCREW Parking Brake 5 149 SCREW Rear Axle Housing 5 398 SEAL Differential Drive Pinion 5 469 SEAL Rear Axle Shaft Bearing or Hub 5 822 SEAL Rear Axle U Joint 5 430 SHAFT Differential Side Pinion 5 517 SHAFT Propeller 5 544 SHAFT Rear Axle 5 420 SHIELD Brake Flange Plate 5 002 SHIM KIT Differential Drive Pinion 5 484 SHIIVI KIT Differential Rear Pinion Bearing 5 460 SHIM KIT Differential Side Pinion 5 517 SLINGER Differential Drive Pinion 5 484 SNAP RlNG KIT RearAx e UJoint 5428 SOCKET Parking Brake 5149 SOCKET Rear Axle Tie 5 415 SPlNDLE Rear Wheel 5 806 SPRING Brake Shoe 5 026 SPRING KIT Brake Shoe Hold Down 5 043 STEM Tire Valve And Cover Lock 5 875 SUPPORT Front Propeller Shaft 5 546 V VALVE Tire Valve And Cover Lock 5 875 VENTlLATOR Rear Axle 5 387 W WASHER Differential Carrier 5 506 WASHER Differential Pinion Thrust 5 542 WASHER Hub or Drum lFront and Rear Wheel 5 812 WASHER Rear Axle 5 387 WASHER Rear Axle Control Arrn 5 383 WASHER Rear Axle Tie 5 415 WASHER Rear Axle Tie Rod 5 418 WASHER Rear Wheel 5 806 WASHER Tire Valve And Cover Lock 5 875 WASHER Universal Joint Bearing and Flange 5 586 WElGI lT Whee Balance 5 805 WHEEL Front or Rear 5 803 Y YOKE Propeller Shaft Pinion 5 545 YOKE Rear Axle Universal Joint 5 425 WAREHOUSING DlSTR BUT ON DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATlON CHEVROLET 14Y 2 INDEX 5 2A