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Parts and Illustration Catalog 25W June 1993
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W7 PONTIIAIC V BODY GROIIIP 12 000 PONTIAC PONTIAC Y IMIDLDINGS lHEET METAL BOD 1 ALPHABETICAL INDIEX A c r Arvir summer 12 809 Cl lP Body Moldings 12 118 CLIP Door Opening Rocker 12 934 ABSORBER Rear Compartment Floor or Tail CLIP Fuel Tank Filler 12 945 Gate 12 981 CONNECTOR Rear Compartment Lid Release or APPLIOUE Rear Body Lock Pillar 12 942 Ajar 12 243 ASHTRAY Door Ouarter Arm Rest or Front Seat CONTACT Rear Compartment Lid or Tail Gate Back 12 045 Look Cylinder 12 242 ASHTFIAY Instrument Panel Ash Tray 12 009 COVER KIT Fuel Tank Filler 12 945 COVER Rear Compartment Lid and End Gate 12 184 COVER Rear Compartment Floor or Tail Gate 12 981 COVER Rear Ouarter Side Outer 12 940 III COVER Rear Ouarter Side Inner 12 941 CYLINDER KIT Rear Compartment or Tail Gate 12 248 CYLINDER Rear Compartment or Tail Gate 12 248 BAFFLE Door Opening Rocker 12 934 BAFFLE Rear Quarter Side Inner 12 941 BAFFLE Rear Body Lock Pillar 12 942 BAR Floor Pan 12 980 D BAR Front Door Inner Outer 12 895 BAR Rear Cross Bar 12 986 BAR Rear Door Inner Outer 12 913 DAMPENEIR Rear Ouarter Side Inner 12 941 BARRIER Body Center 12 49 l DAMPENEIR Roof Panel 12 810 BARRIER Floor Pan 12 980 DIEADENER Floor Pan 12 980 BARRIER Front Body Hinge Pillar 12 840 DIEADENEFI Shroud and Dash and Vent Duct 12 804 BARRIER Front Door Inner Outer 12 895 DIEADENER Wheelhouse 12 944 BARRIER Luggage Compartment and Rear Seat DIECAL Front lDoor 12 112 to Window 12 971 DIECAL Rear Compartment Lid Rear End Panel BARRIER Rear Ouarter Side Inner 12 941 and Tail Gate 12 182 BARRIER Rear Body Lock Pillar 12 942 DIEFLECTOR Roof Panel 12 810 BARRIER Shroud and Dash and Vent Duct 12 804 DIEFLECTOR Elhroucl and Dash and Vent Duct 12 804 BOLT Body Moldings 12 1113 DOOR Fuel Tank Filler 12 945 BOLT Cowl Top Vent Louver 12 800 DIDOR Rear Compartment Floor or Tail Gate 12 981 BOLT Fuel T ank Filler 12 945 DIOOR Rear Door Inner Outer 12 913 BOLT Instrument Panel Ash Tray 12 009 BOLT Rear Compartment Lid and Eind Gate 12 184 BOLT Rear Compartment Lid or Tail Gate Lock Cylinder 12 2412 E BOLT Roof Vent Window 12 81 I BOLT Sunroof 12 809 BOW Roof 12 952 EEMBLEII I lFront Door 12 112 BOX Rear Compartment Lid and End Gate 121 184 EEXTENSION Door Opening Rocker 12 934 BRACEE Luggage Compartment ancl Rear Seat to EXTENSION Luggage Compartment and Rear Window 121 971 Seat to Window 12 971 BRACEE Rear Ouarter Side Inner 121 941 EXTENSION Rear Ouarter Side Outer 12 940 BRACKET Body Moldings 121 1113 IEXTENSION Rear Ouarter Side Inner 12 941 BRACKET Roof Panel 121 810 EXTENSION Rear End 12 966 BRACKET Sunroof 121 809 EXTENSION Wheelhouse 12 944 BUMPER Fuel Tank Filler 12 945 BUMPER Instrument Panel Ash Tray 121 009 BUMPER Rear Compartment I id or Tail Gate 12 2112 F II FILLER Fuel T ank Filler 12 945 FILLER Rear Compartment 12 181 FILLER Rear Compartment Floor or Tail Gate 12 981 CABLES Fuel Tank Filler 12 9415 FILARE Rear Cluarter Ornarnentation 12 116 CABLES Rear Compartment Licll or Tail Gate Lock Cylinder 12 2412 CAP Luggage Carrier 12 815 CAP Rear Compartment or Tail Gate Lock Cylinder 12 249 CHANNEL Sunroof 12 8019 j 1993 GENERAL NIOTORS SERVICE PARTS OPEIRATIONS PONTlAC 25W j 12 1A INDEX