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Illustration Catalog 31A July 1987
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GM11 24 1 f 1 2 A 1 2 A rr e A o 1 g I A x F gio 1 A 1 9 Fas 1246 A GM11 24 1981 c SEAT ADJUSTER ELECTRIC 2 wAv 1 SCREW Gear Nut to Support 1 11 561 2 WASHER Gear Nut to Support 1 N S 1 3 GROMMET Support to Gear Nut 1 11 561 4 SUPPORT Gear Nut N S 5 GEAR NUT 2 Way Adjuster 11 561 6 SPRING Shoe Sliding 1 1 561 1 7 SHOE Channel Position Sliding 11 561 6 SUPPORT Floor N S 9 NUT Jack Screw 11 561 l 10 JACK SCREW Adjuster 1 1 11 561 11 WASHER Jack Screw 11 561 12 GROMMET Jack Screw 1 1 561 1 13 NUT Pin to Support 11 561 14 PIN Jack Screw to Support 11 561 is CHANNEL ASM Adjuster Upr o Ewr 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 561 16 ADJUSTER ASM Electric 2 Way 11 561 FBS 7346 r A may GENERAL morons SERVICE PARTS OPEHATl0NS OLDSMOB LE 31A 7 87 11 11 1 1 000 GROUP