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Chassis and Body Parts Catalog P&A 10 May 1981
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C414 1981 CHEVROLET SPECIAL ORDER TRIM COMBINATION COLORS BASIC INTERIOR 26 Dk Blue 64 Med D0eskInlDk Doeskin SEAT OPTIONS CODE LEGEND A51 Bucket A52 Z Regular Bench AV7 Z 5OI5O Non Reclining TRIM LEVEL SEATS SEATS OR DOORS DOORS D Z Deluxe 1 Z Ist Design M Z Custom 2 Z Znd Design Cloth S Z Standard 3 Z 3rd Design V Z Vinyl 4 Z 4th Design 5 Z 5th Design A Modified COMBINATION NUMBER CODING The First Two Numbers indicate the Basic Color l e 26 Z Dk Blue The Third Number or Letter indicates the Type and Design Level as follows Cloth Bt Vinyl 7 All Vinyl 6 1981 CHEVROLET SPECIAL ORDER TRIM SEAT DARK MED OPTION TRIM LEVEL BLUE DOESKIN SEAT DOOR STYLES CODE SEATS Dg R 26 64 MAT L TEXTURE 1AT27r6B A52 S1I1V 266 646 Sierra Ctd Fab IAT69 A51 AMG S Il1V 266 646 Sierra Ctd Fab IAT27 69 Balance of Interior Same as N Trim Level 1AT27e69 A52 SIIIV 267 647 Millport Cloth IAT69 A5I AM6 SIIIV 267 647 Millport Cloth IAT27 69 Balance of Interior Same as C Trim Level IBL35 47 69 A52 AV7 S1I IV 1266 646 Sierra Ctd Fab IBL69 A5I SIIIV 266 646 Sierra Ctd Fab 1BL69 A52 S1l lV 266 646 Sierra Ctd Fab 1BL47Z69 AV7 SIIIV 1266 646 Sierra Ctrl Fab 1BL35r47 69 Balance of Interior Same as N Trim Level 1BL35 47 69 A52 AV7 S II1V 2167 647 Millport Cloth lBL69 A51 S1 1V 267 647 l lillport Cloth lBL47 69 AV7 S1I1V 267 647 Mlllport Cloth 1BL35 47 69 Balance of Interior Same as B Trim Level ncludes D09 Fri Seat Ctr AIRS NOTES 1 The above Trim Combs are available only with Opt A75 Heavy Duty Frunt A7Qi Heavy Doty Rear Seat Assemblies 2 AO4 not available on IBL35 Style ZW MREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATIONZCHEVROLETZIO 4 ZZ 65