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ILLUSTRATION AND CHART INDEX iwaa PAM cAtAuoouE n uu ILLU TRATIaN A 14D CHART INDEX This index has been included for your co venience in locating all illustrations and charts contained in this catalogue The sting is in group sequence similar to the parts application data Under each roup heading the information is listed alphabetically and cross referenced to the applicable page number MORAL ILLUSTRATIONS Page 1982 Deluxe 4 Door Sedan 1 1982 Front and Rear End 2 1981 Deluxe Monza Sports Coupe 9 1981 Station Wagon 7 1981 Station Wagon Re End 8 1961 Station Wagon Rear View 201 1980 81 Front and Rear End 10 1980 61 Deluxe 4 Door S 3 1960 61 Standard 4 Door Sedan 4 1980 81 Deluxe 2 Door 5 1980 81 Standard 2 Door 8 1981 Grenbriar R1208 13 1961 Panel Corvan 11 1981 Grenbrisr and Panel Rear End 14 1981 Pick up R1244 54 12 1981 Greenbriar Front Interior 279 1981 Greenbriar Rear terlor 299 1961 Greenbriar Side rior 300 I Page Page 0 000 ENGINE 0 000 FUEL AND EXHAUST CONTD Block Engine 16 Linkage Carburetor exc R1200 69 Crankshaft Camshaft and Oil Pan iq Panel Instrument R1200 298 Head and Manifold 15 Panel Instrument exc R1200 202 Mounts Front and Rear Engine 20 Pedal Accelerator exc R1200 68 Pedal and Linkage Clutch 19 pedal and Linkage Accelerator R1200 85 Pedal and Linkage Clutch R120E ig Pipes Gasoline Feed exc R1200 8 2 Tank Gasoline R1200 88 1 000 OILING AND COOLING I Tank Gasoline exc R1200 63 Block Engine II lg Thermostat Automatic Choke 71 Crankshaft Camshaft and Oil Pan 17 4 000 TRANSMISSION Engine Shroud Seals I 32 Head and Manifold 15 Clutch Drum Plate and Housing AT 90 Retainer Engine Shield exc F C 31 Controls AT 88 Shield and Shroud Engine 29 Controls 3 Speed Transmission 89 Shield and Shroud Engine 30 Cooler and Lines AT Oil R1200 93 Thermostat Exhaust Duct 32 Gearshift Control 96 Valve Air Throttle 1960 33 Gearshift Controls R1200 88 2 000 ELECTRICAL Cil Pump Rear and Reverse Piston AT 90 Battery Details R1200 47 Panel Instrument 202 Panel Instrument exc 111200 298 Block Engine 18 Transmission Automatic 85 istributor Ignition 1960 81 43 Transmission 3 Speed 86 enerator and Bracket 1960 61 43 Transmission 4 Speed 87 lfarness and Battery Wiring 45 Head and Manifold 15 4 000 BRAKE CONTROL Headlamp Parking Lamp and Directional Signal Assy 48 Brake Pedal Linkage 1962 96A Horn and Directional lgnal 44 Cylinder and Pedal Brake exc R1200 95 Ignition Distributor Typical 1962 44 Linkage Parking Brake Control exc R1200 91 Instrument Cluster 48 Master Cylinder Exploded 96B Lamp License 41 pedal Brake R1200 94 Panel Instrument R1200 298 pedal and Cylinder Brake exc R1200 95 96 Panel Instrument exc R1200 li 202 Pipes and Linkage Brake exc R1200 92 Tail and Back up Lamp 1960 61 42 3 000 FUEL AND EXHAUST 5 000 Brake Operating Air Cleaner 81 Brake Drum and Axle Rear 113 Y Block Engine 18 Bowl and Air Horn Carburetor 70 5 000 Rear Axle Carburetor Bowl Assy 1962 72 Exhaust System 88 Axle Assembly Exploded 115 Fuel Pump and Pipes 84 grak Drum and Axle Rear 113 Head and Manifold 15 PositiFaction Rear Axle 1962 116 Linkage Accelerator Control exc R1200 67 SuspOnsion Rear 114