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Parts and Illustration Catalog 44W June 1991 |

i ATTEI L ON CA 51LOG USER i JUNE IQIQQQL This Parts a Illustration Catalog includes arll the latest coverage available at the ttme of printing THIS IS THE EASI SCHEDUL ljED REPRINT OF THIS PUBLICATION PLEASE IEZTTETAIN T HlS COPY FOR FUTLQQEBEFERENCIQE EXTRA COPIES WILL BE MQQLABLE IF TH l EY ARE IREQUIRED CATALOG FORMAT The Engineering Department has implemented a new computer system resulting in the following changes within Parts Catalogs TEXT 1 Removal of tlhe W with before tllte positive regular production ophons 2 Usage Notees may appear directly after the description verbiage bound by parenthesis However nntes may still appear at the beginning of each group under the tlroup header 3 A program print enhancement novr enables all eharts to be print ed independent ef the text data Although charts will still appear in their major grourp in the catalog this modification allows for arrangement of charts in an order that best accommodates your needs For example if the preferenrce is for charts to be placed at the end ef a group this can be accomplished without any loss of text datar 4 Trim Codes will appear in one of the two areas either in the description field or in the usage field Eventuallly all Trim Codes will appear only in the usage field 5 Another new feature found in this cratalog is the reference to the illustration page and callout number now appearing in the text description fieId tFor example PIIEITD T1 74 this translates to illustration page 0 1 callout 74 I ADDITIONAL CQAQQQ a Specific carlilne reterence informa l len previously found in the Front T Matter section for Engines 0 000 Transmissions 4 000 Axles 5 000 and Trllm Combinations 141000 has been relocated to the front of that respe ctive group