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2 Measure the opening of the damper door from its upper edge as shown in Figure 7 la and if necessary adjust swivel to produce a 2 36 approximately 2 1 1 inch opening r J 2 y ti BRACKET STOP v W v u THERMOSIrv i VIEW B VIEW C Fig 7 13 Adjusting Cooling Air Damper 10 INSPECT AND SERVICE COOLING SYSTEM Be certain that all metal shrouds are in place and are properly fitted so as to prevent air leaks Be certain that blower belt is properly tensioned and that blower assembly is in good condition INSTRUMEN The instrument check out may be performed with any one of several excellent pieces of equipment on the market by following the specific operating instructions of the equipment manufacturer 15 TEST DWELL AND DWELL VARIATION a Use dwell meter as directed by manufacturer Dwell should be 31 to 35 If dwell reading is not within specifications recheck point gap then check for wrong point 0 Be certain that openings in rear lid are free of dirt twigs leaves paper etc as this is the source of engine cooling air 11 CHECK LUBRICANT LEVEL AND INSPECT FOR OIL LEAKS Check level of lubricant in crankcase and inspect engine for oil leaks 12 NORMALIZE ENGINE Set parking brake and place transmission in Neutral then start engine and run until normal operating temperature is reached This should be approximately 3 5 minutes with a cold engine NOTE If disturbed throttle stop screws and point gap will have to be reset Warmup will insure that proper lubricant viscosity is provided at each engine component and that each component will be at operating temperature and size 13 PERFORM FOLLOWING CLEANING AND CHECKING OPERATIONS DURING WARMUP Check the following for proper operation a Windshield wipers b Headlights c Parking lights d Tail lights e Stop lights f Directional signals g Horn h Instruments and indicator lights i Brake and clutch pedal adjustment j Accessories 14 CYLINDER HEAD BOLTS The cylinder head bolts should not be retorqued IT CHECK OUT assembly defective or misaligned point rubbing block or worn distributor cam b Slowly accelerate engine to 1500 rpm and note dwell reading Return engine to idle and note dwell reading Dwell reading at no time should vary more than 3 degrees If dwell reading varies more than 3 degrees check for worn distributor shaft bushings or breaker plate or loose breaker plate c Stop engine