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Camaro Assembly Manual April 1968
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nn pf A S S E M B L Y I N S T R U C O N S 3940195 1969 CAMARO 12000 SERIES HHH The iollowlng components are n0t illustrated lu this R P 0 See Parts List or Bill of Materials for part numben UPC 3 FRONT SUSPENSION 3F FRONT SHOCK ABSORBERS Q UPC 4 REAR SUSPENSION 4 REAR AXLE 0 4A 4 PROP SHAFT UJT ASM Assembles same as RPO L4B 4E REAR SHOCK ABSORBERS Assembles same as RPO L35 UPC 5 BRAKES 5C BRAICETPEDAL Assembles same as RPO M85 UPC 8 ENGINE 6 ENGINE ASM 0 6L 1 N 1 AK E EX1 I MANIFOLDS HEAT CONT Assembles sameas RPO M35 V M 1 V CARBURETOR Carb asm solenoid atch parts Assembles same as RPO M35 Carb asm beat stove tube asm Assembles same as RPO M35 6M 8 AIR CLEANER SILENCER Asserubles same as RPO M35 V SY 2 STARTER MOTOR ASM 0 V 6Y S DISTRIBUTOR ASM CI UPC 7 TRANSMISION 7A TRANSMISSION EXTERNAL CONTROLS Lens Asm Dial Assembles same a s RPO M35 Neu Sai Backup Sw Asm Assembles same as RPO M85 Trans Control Lever Assembles same as RPO M35 7B 1B CLUTCH PEDAL PUSH ROD HOLE PLUG Assembles same as RPO M85 ZB 6 011 COOLER PIPES Assembles same as RPO M35 UPC 9 STEERING 9A STEERING GEAR PITMAN ARM Steering Column Asm Q UPC 12 ELECTRICAL l2H MULTI PURPOSE WIRING Inst Panel Harness Q 12 1 INST CARRIERVPANEL OR INSTRUMENTS Speedo Sleeve Seal Retainer Bolt Flttlng Q Inst cluster reinforcement R Screws Assembles same as RPO M35 UPC 11 I3 FRONT END SHEET METAL 13A RADIATOR ASM Q A A A O Assemble same as production A A I CkE l 7 EI nom oevespcm c c urc we sm mam aqua V wm px s spun Amo rams Non ryrusrmmu t PARTS 1 AsM sAm s pes 1 M 4 u 12 aL rs Rouen Ic 4 3 12000 v a Enom A2 Lv i we 4 FM nar Az L L W omm 7 27 pp I t I rt if