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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

LUBRICATION 5B 3 REAR DOOR WINDOW REGULATORS DOOR LOCKING MECHANISM AND CAMS ALL 4 DOOR STYLES Apply Lubriplzite to pivot points at ends of All connecting rods Apply aa cout of Lubriplnte to areas indicated Fig 5B6 l FRONT SEAT ADJUSTER MECHANISM REAR QUARTER WINDOW RE U A 0R CAMS AND GUIDES A thin coat of Lubriplate should be applied to seat 37 67 STYLES Nicki Apply ii coat of Lubripliite to areas indicated Fig 5B 7 CONVERTIBLE TOP LINKAGE 67 STYLES DOOR LOCK PARTS Apply ii sparing amount of dripless oil to points Lubricate moving parts of d00i lock with Ng 1 and Lum iplgtg O ptymt N0 2 Fig 5Bg Ll1bFiDlHt 4 Wipe off excess lubricant