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MODEL SERIES IDENTIFICATIONSeries Wheelbase Type of VehicleI 500 108 STANDARD CORVAIR K 700 108 DELUXE COHVAIRV ENGINE SERIAL NUMBER AND SUFFIX Model Description Type Designation5700 6 cylinder with 3 Speed Transmission Y 5700 6 cylinder with High Performance YA5700 6 cylinder with Automatic Transmission ZEngines are stamped with a source production date and serial padEXAMPLE TOl01YT 01 Ol YTonawanda Month Day 6 cylinder with 3 Speed Transmi sionPlant Ianuary FirstABBREVIATIONS UAT Automatic TransmissionCC Comfort and ConvenienceSTD StandardAll illustrations and specifications contained in this literature are based on thelatest product information available at the time of publication approval The right is reserved to make changes at any time without notice in colors materialsequipment specifications and models and also to discontinue modelsThe prices shown in this catalog under the heading List Pzices are suggested prices onlyCHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISIONGENERAL MOTORS CORPORATIONDETROIT 2 MICHIGANgimalltme my PUXB4GelMolrrCopion f Luhc in USA Vita